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What is a simile in the first chapter of To Kill a Mockingbird?

What is a simile in the first chapter of To Kill a Mockingbird?

In chapter one of To Kill a Mockingbird features a number of effective similes: Ladies were like soft teacakes with frostings of sweat and sweet talcum. Scout, in describing the heat and how the ladies of Maycomb coped with it, compares them to frosted teacakes.

What is an example of a metaphor in To Kill a Mockingbird?

Metaphor – A figure of speech used to compare to two things without using the words like or as. Example from the text: “I tried to climb into Jem’s skin and walk around in it” (57). For example, when Scout says “I tried to climb into Jem’s skin and walk around in it,” (57) she didn’t literally try to get into his skin.

What is the greatest gift that Boo gave Jem and Scout?

He gave use two soap dolls, a broken watch and chain, a pair of good-luck pennies, and our lives” (Lee 171). Lee suggests that Boo is simply being a good neighbor. Since he is so reclusive, the only way to show that he is a good neighbor is to give the children gifts in the knothole.

Why does Jem not want anything to with scout at school?

Jem doesn’t want to have anything to do with Scout at school because he sees her as the aggravating little sister. Jem thinks of himself as the big man at the school because he is four years older than Scout. Jem is a little embarrassed by the way Scout reacts to people. Scout will fight anyone at anytime.

How does JEM treat Scout?

Jem believes that he knows more than Scout and attempts to treat her like she is inferior. Overall, Jem treats Scout better and exercises sympathy towards his younger sister the more he matures. Jem’s compassion towards Scout reflects his maturity and moral development as a young man.

Why does dill not go to school with Scout and Jem?

He asks Scout to write him, and Scout is disappointed Dill won’t be visiting her because Jem is being cantankerous and telling Scout she needs to act more like a girl. Perhaps Dill has found the father he has been looking for. The summer begins badly for Scout in Chapter 12 of Harper Lee’s novel, To Kill a Mockingbird.

Is Jem older than Scout?

Jeremy Atticus “Jem” Finch is Atticus’ son and Scout’s older brother by four years.

Who was Atticus Finch based on?

A.C. Lee

Is To Kill a Mockingbird true story?

The plot and characters are loosely based on Lee’s observations of her family, her neighbors and an event that occurred near her hometown of Monroeville, Alabama, in 1936, when she was ten. Despite dealing with the serious issues of rape and racial inequality, the novel is renowned for its warmth and humor.

Is it legal to kill mockingbirds?

Federal Judge Rules Administration’s Bird-Killing Policy is Illegal.

Who wrote To Kill a Mockingbird?

Harper Lee

How much money did Harper Lee make from To Kill a Mockingbird?

According to a 2013 court case filed against Lee’s former agent Sam Pinkus, she earned $2.5 million in royalties from To Kill A Mockingbird between July 2009 and July 2010. Assuming that time frame represents an average gross from the book, Lee earned over $9,000 per day off of the novel.

How old is Harper Lee?

89 years (1926–2016)

Is Maycomb a real place?

That’s how Scout Finch describes the steadfastly Southern setting of Harper Lee’s beloved novel, “To Kill A Mockingbird.” Maycomb is a fictional city, but it’s based on Lee’s birthplace and childhood home of Monroeville, in Monroe County, Alabama, where Lee died on Friday.