What is a pathetic person?

What is a pathetic person?

If you describe a person or animal as pathetic, you mean that they are sad and weak or helpless, and they make you feel very sorry for them. If you describe someone or something as pathetic, you mean that they make you feel impatient or angry, often because they are weak or not very good.

How do you use the word pathetic?

inspiring scornful pity.

  1. The small group of onlookers presented a pathetic sight.
  2. I refused to go along with their pathetic charade.
  3. You’re pathetic!
  4. He derided my singing as pathetic.
  5. His tears were pathetic to witness.
  6. The starving children were a pathetic sight.

What did pathetic used to mean?

‘Pathetic’: A History Pathetic, when employed in the sense above, tends to have the meaning of “pitifully inferior or inadequate,” or “absurd, laughable.” These meanings are relative newcomers; the use of pathetic to mean “inadequate” did not begin until the 19th century.

How do you explain pathetic to a child?

definition: causing feelings of pity or sorrow. The limping dog was a pathetic sight.

What is an example of pathetic?

The definition of pathetic is someone or something that brings or is capable of bringing about feelings of pity or sorrow. An example of pathetic is a dog with mange. An example of pathetic is a Broadway actor forgetting their lines while on stage. Arousing scornful pity or contempt, often due to miserable inadequacy.

What is worse than being pathetic?

affecting, distressing, disquieting, disturbing, upsetting, miserable, heartbreaking, heart-rending, agonizing, harrowing, mortifying, sad, wretched, poor, forlorn, tragic, doleful, mournful, woeful.

What is it called when weather reflects your mood?

Pathetic fallacy is often used to describe the environment. The weather and season can be described with human emotions to reflect the mood of a character or create a tone.

How does the weather affect a person’s mood?

Aspects of weather beyond heat and sunshine have also been shown to affect mood. Humidity tends to make people more tired and irritable. Barometric pressure fluctuations can alter moods and trigger headaches, some studies finding a link between low pressure and suicide.

What effect does pathetic fallacy have on the reader?

A pathetic fallacy can add atmosphere to a scene. It can even give clues to the reader as to what is to come, acting as a kind of foreshadowing . Personification – this is a technique of presenting objects as if they have feelings, eg ‘the rain seemed to be dancing merrily on the excited tin roof.

Why does the rain make me sad?

This explains that rainy day malaise of wanting to sit on the couch and destroy a bag of fried snacks and then pass out from gluttony. But because of this increased desire to do nothing, our bodies create less serotonin, which in turn affects our mood – so SAD makes people feel sad.

What is a weather depression?

Weather fronts A depression is an area of low pressure which moves from west to east in the northern hemisphere. Low pressure systems can be identified from a synoptic chart due to: cold fronts. warm fronts.