Users questions

What is a miracle seed Pokemon?

What is a miracle seed Pokemon?

The Miracle Seed (Japanese: きせきのタネ Miracle Seed) is a type of held item introduced in Generation II that boosts the power of Grass-type moves.

Where do I get miracle seeds?

A Miracle Seed can be found in the Forest of Focus area of the Isle of Armor DLC.

Does Miracle Seed affect leech seed?

Miracle Seed causes more damage. It also works for Leech Seed.

Where is the miracle seed in Pokemon sun?

Behind the big pile of rocks is an X Attack. Now you’ll want to switch to Tauros to break up the rocks down the path. Once it’s clear, switch back to Stoutland to find the Miracle Seed you need buried beneath the smaller pile of rocks. Continue east on the path and pick up the Big Root on the way down the ledges.

Why is Totem Lurantis so hard?

Some reasons why a couple of people found Totem Lurantis difficult were it used Synthesis in the sun as a result from summoning Castform in SM and Comfey in USUM, which let it heal 3/4 HP instead of 1/2 HP, or were at a serious type disadvantage like using Brionne against it (not saying you shouldn’t pick Popplio, but …

Are the totem Pokemon better?

1 Answer. The only difference is in size and weight, which affects moves such as Low Kick and Heavy Slam. Base stats, learned moves, and everything else is the same as regular Pokémon.

Does haze work on Totem Pokemon?

Yes, Haze can be used against Totem Pokemon.

What level is Totem Salazzle?

level 22

Can totem Pokemon be poisoned?

As with almost all Totem Pokémon battles, it is advisable to focus on the Totem first and the ally later. There is no “hard counter” for this battle, as both Totem Salazzle and Salandit can poison any Pokémon and if this battle lasts long this is going to be a problem.

Why is Wishiwashi so bad?

Leveled up a bit higher than the opps it’s high stats means it usually one shots most Pokémon pretty comfortably. Competitively, it’s too slow and unreliable. Not worth using.

Is Toxapex a good Pokemon?

Toxapex Strengths Toxapex is a classic defensive wall that can frustrate opponents with Regenerator & Recover. Instead of Baneful Bunker, Toxic could also be a very good choice. The move Haze removes all stat changes, so it can be really good at canceling out an opponent’s set up (such as Mimikyu).

What does Pyukumuku evolve into?

Kaiju Pyukumuku