Users questions

What is a good name for a female turkey?

What is a good name for a female turkey?

A mature male turkey is called a “tom” or “gobbler,” a mature female is called a “hen,” a yearling male is a “Jake,” a yearling female is a “Jenny,” and a baby is called a “poult.” In the farm trade, a turkey under 16 weeks is a “fryer” and those 5-7 months old are called “roasters.” A group of turkeys is referred to …

Can you have a turkey for a pet?

Pet turkeys are very friendly and social She loves to be pet and will even sit down on our feet to try to get attention! Every turkey is different, and some toms can become territorial. However, most turkeys are generally docile, making them a good animal to be around children.

What is a teenage turkey called?


Is my turkey a boy or girl?

Male turkeys have brightly colored heads with no feathers, while females have a few feathers and are dully colored and better camouflaged in the wild. All turkeys have a fleshy appendage called a snood or dew bill which hangs from the beak. A male’s snood is much larger and plumper in appearance than a female’s.

Which is better turkey hen or tom?

Most experts agree that a hen turkey is better than a tom, but it is probably a matter of personal preference. Hens are generally smaller than tom turkeys of the same age. Tom turkeys have larger bones and less edible portions, which may be reason for hens as preference.

Do turkeys poop a lot?

Size: As one of the largest Native birds in North America, the turkey requires more room than the normal back yard fowl. Mess: *(Manure) Like all birds, turkeys poop a lot, you could even say, “all the time”. The Turkey’s high burning metabolism requires they eat often and what goes in, come out processed turkey style.

How old are turkeys before they are slaughtered?

5 to 6 months

How long does it take a turkey to grow to full size?

approximately 4-5 months

Are turkeys hard to raise?

Turkeys are not that hard to raise, but they differ a bit from chickens in terms of what they need, and raising them from poults (baby turkeys) is more time- and energy-intensive than raising chickens from baby chicks.

Are turkeys dangerous?

Wild turkeys that adapt to urban or suburban communities, especially young and mature males during the breeding season, can become quite aggressive towards people. Rarely do they cause serious damage, although they often will chase and harass children.

Are turkeys cleaner than chickens?

They are cleaner to keep than chickens When you feed turkeys, their food stays where you put it, the water stays bedding free and the droppings are not scattered like they are in our chicken pens.

How many nesting boxes do I need for a turkey?

A turkey will need a large 18″ x 18″ box. The nesting area does not need to be a series of individual boxes. Some birds enjoy using communal boxes (others however do not). My setup includes one large communal box that is 30″ x 18″ x 18″ and three individual boxes that measure 18″ x 18″ x 18″.

Will free range turkeys fly away?

Once they get the point on that they’ll generally stick around. HOWEVER – if you don’t provide them with enough food, they will wander off in search of greener pastures. As long as they’re getting enough food either from your land itself and/or supplemented feed by you, they’re not going anywhere.

Are turkeys destructive?

Turkeys aren’t inherently dangerous, but they become bolder as they lose their fear of humans (which happens when we become familiar). Their boldness might become intimidation or domination, and they could become aggressive—especially during breeding season.