What is a concrete sequential thinker?

What is a concrete sequential thinker?

Realists or Concrete Sequential (CS) thinkers are based in reality. They process information in an ordered, sequential, linear way. They notice and recall details easily and remember facts, specific information, formulas, and rules with ease. “Hands-on” is a good way for these people to learn.

Which of the following best characterizes a concrete sequential thinker?

Concrete Sequential: A person with this dominant thinking style likes predictability and dislikes working with teams or abstract ideas. They thrive in a structured environment and work well with clear directions where they are given time to learn a skill through practice and then repeat what they have learned.

Why do random things pop in my head?

Mind-pops are more often words or phrases than images or sounds and they usually happen when someone is in the middle of a habitual activity that does not demand much concentration—perhaps when they are brushing their teeth or tying their shoes.

Why do I get random thoughts?

Racing thoughts associated with anxiety disorder can be caused by many different conditions, such as obsessive–compulsive disorder (OCD), panic disorder, general anxiety disorder (GAD), or posttraumatic stress disorder.

What causes sexually intrusive thoughts?

Sexual intrusive thoughts or images. These could be related to children, family members or to sexually aggressive behaviour. You might worry that you could be a paedophile or a rapist, or that you are sexually attracted to someone in your family.

How do you let go of thoughts?

9 Ways to Let Go of Stuck Thoughts

  1. Don’t talk back. The first thing you want to do when you get an intrusive thought is to respond with logic.
  2. Know it will pass. I can do anything for a minute.
  3. Focus on now.
  4. Tune into the senses.
  5. Do something else.
  6. Change your obsession.
  7. Blame the chemistry.
  8. Picture it.

What is the best medication for ruminating thoughts?

The best medications for managing rumination are those that treat an underlying mental health condition such as generalized anxiety disorder (GAD), depression, obsessive-compulsive disorder and post-traumatic stress disorder….Some SNRIs include:

  • Duloxetine (Cymbalta)
  • Desvenlafaxine (Pristiq)
  • Venlafaxine (Effexor)

Is Obsession a symptom of bipolar?

Bipolar disorder is recognized by mania and depression and usually anxiety. One area of bipolar disorder not usually talked about is obsessive thoughts and behavior. The lucky ones recognize obsessive behavior early and identify what it is that makes us obsessive.

Why do I count in my head all the time?

Counting OCD is a common form of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, characterized by counting-based behavior. People with Counting OCD may count to achieve a state of feeling “right” and to avoid the anxiety of something feeling “wrong.”