What is a antonym for impulse?

What is a antonym for impulse?

English Synonyms and Antonyms Compare DESIRE. Compare ANTIPATHY. Antonyms: antipathy, aversion, detestation, disgust, dislike, disrelish, distaste, hatred, indifference, loathing, repugnance, repulsion.

What is the synonym of impulsive?

SYNONYMS. impromptu, snap, spontaneous, unpremeditated, spur-of-the-moment, extemporaneous. impetuous, precipitate, hasty, headlong, rash, reckless, incautious, imprudent, injudicious. sudden, quick, ill-considered, ill-thought-out, unplanned, thoughtless, unthinking.

What is a antonym for defiant?

defiant(a) Antonyms: obedient, tractable, submissive. Synonyms: disobedient, insubmissive, contumacious, bellicose, rebellious, contumelious, refractory, cockahoop, mutinous.

What are the synonyms for defiant?

other words for defiant

  • aggressive.
  • audacious.
  • bold.
  • contumacious.
  • daring.
  • gutsy.
  • insolent.
  • insubordinate.

What’s another word for retaliate?

Frequently Asked Questions About retaliate Some common synonyms of retaliate are reciprocate, requite, and return. While all these words mean “to give back usually in kind or in quantity,” retaliate usually implies a paying back of injury in exact kind, often vengefully.

What is the opposite of retaliate?

What is the opposite of retaliate?

forgive forget
pardon excuse
remit accept
understand absolve
amnesty leave

What does counterattack mean?

: an attack made in response to or in defense against an attack made by another a series of attacks and counterattacks Iraqi forces are advancing into the city of Fallujah, repelling a counter-attack by the Islamic State militant group (ISIS) on Tuesday …—

What is the definition of retaliate?

intransitive verb. : to return like for like especially : to get revenge. transitive verb. : to repay in kind retaliate an injury.

What are some examples of retaliation?

Examples of Retaliation

  • Terminating or demoting the employee,
  • Changing his or her job duties or work schedule,
  • Transferring the employee to another position or location,
  • Reducing his or her salary, and.
  • Denying the employee a promotion or pay raise.

Is retaliation a crime?

It’s not. Retaliation is only illegal when the action that precedes the retaliation is protected by law. This can vary from state to state. It’s always illegal to retaliate against an employee for actions such as sexual harassment, racial discrimination, and concerted workplace activities.

What are 3 types of precipitation?

The most common types of precipitation are rain, hail, and snow. Rain is precipitation that falls to the surface of the Earth as water droplets.

What is the opposite of precipitate?

Antonyms: unhurried. Synonyms: precipitous, overhasty, headlong, abrupt, sharp, hasty, precipitant. precipitate(verb)

How do you know a precipitate has formed?

The identity of the precipitate can often be determined by examining solubility rules. It also occurs in single displacement when one metal ion in solution is replaced by another metal ion. Notice the new solid forming on the bottom of the tube.

What does it mean if no precipitate forms?

No precipitation reaction This particular example is important because all of the reactants and the products are aqueous, meaning they cancel out of the net ionic equation. There is no solid precipitate formed; therefore, no precipitation reaction occurs.

What is the meaning of white precipitate?

: either of two mercury-ammonia compounds: a : ammoniated mercury. b : a crystalline compound Hg(NH3)2Cl2 usually obtained by adding a solution of mercuric chloride to a hot solution of ammonia and ammonium chloride. — called also fusible white precipitate.