Users questions

What is a antonym for curiosity?

What is a antonym for curiosity?

curiosity. Antonyms: indifference, heedlessness, disregard, abstraction, absence, weed, drug, dirt, cipher, bagatelle, song. Synonyms: inquisitiveness, interest, wonder, marvel, interrogativeness, rarity, phenomenon, celebrity, oddity, lion.

What are antonyms for inquisitive?

antonyms of inquisitive

  • incurious.
  • indifferent.
  • unconcerned.
  • uninterested.

What is the synonym of curious?

The words inquisitive and prying are common synonyms of curious. While all three words mean “interested in what is not one’s personal or proper concern,” curious, a neutral term, basically connotes an active desire to learn or to know.

What is a antonym for antonym?

Antonyms: synonym, equivalent word. Synonyms: inverse, reverse, opposite word, contrary, opposite, opposition, opponent.

How do u spell rowdy?

Correct spelling for the English word “rowdy” is [ɹˈa͡ʊdi], [ɹˈa‍ʊdi], [ɹ_ˈaʊ_d_i] (IPA phonetic alphabet)….14 words made out of letters ROWDY

  1. row,
  2. rod,
  3. yod,
  4. dry,
  5. wry.

Where did the word rowdy come from?

“a rough, quarrelsome person,” 1808, American English, originally “lawless backwoodsman,” probably from row (n. 2). The adjective is attested by 1819.

What is the opposite of rowdy?

Opposite of characterized by or provoking loud noise or uproar. quiet. hushed. noiseless. silent.

Is Rowdy a English word?

rowdy | American Dictionary noisy and seeming likely to become violent: The theater was full of rowdy teenagers throwing popcorn and yelling.

What is the adverb of Commit?

noncommittedly. Without making a commitment; noncommittally.

What is commit in a relationship?

What Is a Committed Relationship? A committed relationship occurs when a couple agrees upon a certain level of commitment to one another. For example, one person might believe in open relationships, and for them, commitment means honesty about sexual partners but not necessarily sexual exclusivity.