Users questions

What happens if you tickle too much?

What happens if you tickle too much?

Several reported tickling as a type of physical abuse they experienced, and based on these reports it was revealed that abusive tickling is capable of provoking extreme physiological reactions in the victim, such as vomiting, incontinence (losing control of bladder), and losing consciousness due to inability to breathe …

What causes the bottom of your feet to be sticky?

Sticky or clammy skin can be caused by a variety of problems, some of which require emergency medical care. The moistness of sticky skin is the result of sweating. Any number of things can cause you to sweat excessively, from shock or a heart attack to an infection or a panic attack.

What is Wet Feet Syndrome?

Trench foot, or immersion foot syndrome, is a serious condition that results from your feet being wet for too long. The condition first became known during World War I, when soldiers got trench foot from fighting in cold, wet conditions in trenches without the extra socks or boots to help keep their feet dry.

Why do I feel clammy but no fever?

There are many reasons why someone might feel hot but have no fever. Environmental and lifestyle factors, medications, age, hormones, and emotional state all have an impact. In some cases, feeling continuously hot may signal an underlying health condition.

What makes you feel clammy?

The moisture of sweat has a cooling effect on your skin. Changes in your body from physical exertion or extreme heat can trigger your sweat glands and cause your skin to become clammy. This is normal. However, clammy skin that occurs for no apparent reason can be the sign of a serious medical condition.

Why do we sweat when we are hot?

Heat and Humidity When the temperature rises, your sweat glands (some 2 to 4 million of them) spring into action, making perspiration. Sweating is your body’s natural way of keeping you cool. Some sweat evaporates from your skin, taking heat with it. The rest runs down your face and body.

Is sweating a lot bad?

Sweating in normal amounts is an essential bodily process. Not sweating enough and sweating too much can both cause problems. The absence of sweat can be dangerous because your risk of overheating increases. Excessive sweating may be more psychologically damaging than physically damaging.

Why do some people not sweat?

Some people aren’t able to sweat typically because their sweat glands are no longer functioning properly. This condition is known as hypohidrosis, or anhidrosis. It can affect your entire body, a single area, or scattered areas. The inability to sweat can cause overheating.