What happens at the end of tangerine book?
What happens at the end of tangerine book?
As they leave Lake Windsor, they pass the tree that has been planted for Mike Costello. Paul notices that it looks strong and healthy enough, but it’s still supported by stakes. The citrus trees remind Paul of Luis, and he rolls down the car window to drink in the scent—”the scent of a golden dawn” (3.16.
Who died in the book tangerine?
Luis Cruz
What happens in the book tangerine?
Paul Fisher, an eighth grader with bad eyes, is afraid of his older brother, Erik. As Paul packs up his house in Houston, he has a terrifying vision of Erik leaning out the window of a car, wearing a ski-mask, swinging a baseball bat at Paul’s head.
What does Paul do instead of going to the funeral?
Instead of going to Luis’s funeral, Paul goes out into his backyard dressed in just his blue suit. He does not put on a shirt, shoes, or socks. In his backyard, he makes his way toward the gray wall. There, he wedges his hands into the space between the wall and the sod.
Why do we want to know how someone died?
Some people feel the need to know how someone died because they are curious about the health and safety issues which can lead to death. They might be vigilant about staying alive as long as possible so they’re interested in stories which could be cautionary tales. John died of diabetes complications, for example.
Why do I cry when people I don’t know die?
Originally Answered: Why do people cry when someone they don’t know dies? Because many people fear death in any form — especially if you have no belief in anything past this life. It causes you to remember your own mortality; that life can be fleeting; and makes you fear what may be coming for yourself.
What does it feel like to lose a lot of blood?
When blood loss nears 30 to 40 percent of total blood volume, your body will have a traumatic reaction. Your blood pressure will drop down even further, and your heart rate will further increase. You may show signs of obvious confusion or disorientation. Your breathing will be more rapid and shallow.
How fast can you bleed out from your femoral artery?
As a result, a puncture of the femoral artery is a life threatening injury as a patient can bleed to death in a matter of minutes.