Users questions

What happened to Miss Gulch?

What happened to Miss Gulch?

Gulch transforms into what may be assumed is the Wicked Witch of the East and is killed as Dorothy’s house falls upon her in OZ. However, the Wicked Witch of the West is also presented as an aspect of Almira Gulch and she too is liquidated by having water cast upon her.

Did Dorothy ride a bike in the Wizard of Oz?

Then, did Dorothy ride a bike in the Wizard of Oz? Even faintly umber, Almira Gulch is all edges. She rides her bicycle like she’s mad at it. She scatters the chickens pecking near the farmhouse gate.

What is a Kalidah?

The Kalidahs are a fictitious species of animal in The Wonderful Wizard of Oz. They are mentioned and featured in the first half of the story when Dorothy Gale and her companions are traveling through the dark forest. A Kalidah is characterized as a ferocious monster having the head of a tiger and the body of a bear.

What attacks Dorothy in the woods?

The famous Wicked Witch of the West sends armies of strange creatures to attack Dorothy and her friends. But neither wolves nor crows can get the better of them. The Winged Monkeys prove to be the most dangerous threat.

What was the forest called in the Wizard of Oz?

The Fighting Trees

What did the Wicked Witch write in the sky?


Which character gets stuck in the poppy field?

He’s stuck hanging onto a pole in the middle of the river, but then he’s rescued by a stork. When the gang walks through a poppy field, all the animals in their group fall asleep. The Scarecrow and the Tin Woodman (who aren’t animals) carry Dorothy out of the field, but they leave the heavy Lion behind.

Who doesn’t make it out of the field of poppies?

As the four wander through the field, Dorothy and the Lion mysteriously fall asleep, succumbing to the vapours released by the poppies. The Tin Man and the Scarecrow, not possessed of human or animal biology, are unaffected.

Why are the poppy flowers dangerous?

The alkaloids are extremely toxic and can cause convulsions, asphyxiation and death. Using any part of the poppy, in any way, is life-threatening; people in Tasmania have died from doing this. Any ingestion of poppy plants should be treated as an emergency – call 000 immediately for an ambulance.

Where is the field of poppies?


Do poppies still grow in Flanders Field?

The flower that symbolises lives lost in conflict, the poppy, is disappearing from Flanders fields where the First World War was fought, experts have said. Research by ecologists has revealed dramatic changes in the plant life of northern France and Belgian Flanders in the past 100 years.

What does the poppy symbolize?

The poppy is the enduring symbol of remembrance of the First World War. It is strongly linked with Armistice Day (11 November), but the poppy’s origin as a popular symbol of remembrance lies in the landscapes of the First World War. Poppies were a common sight, especially on the Western Front.

Why is it illegal to pick a California poppy?

Pretty much every Californian has heard that it is illegal to pick Poppies in the state. This is largely due to the fact that the California Poppy is the state flower, and is perceived to be off limits to all. Under this law, it can be illegal to pick poppies, if they are on land not owned by the picker.

Is it legal to pick California poppies?

Is it illegal to pick California Poppies? Most of us Californians grew up believing it is illegal to pick California Poppies, because it is the state flower. While there is no law protecting the California Poppy specifically, it is illegal to remove or damage plants from property that a person does not own.

What does the golden poppy symbolize?

Golden Poppy seed is also ground for flour. Poppy oil, derived from the Golden Poppy seeds, is employed in cooking and illumination and in paints, varnishes, and soaps. The Golden Poppy has been the symbol of the dead and of sleep since antiquity.

Is it illegal to pick wild poppies?

Contrary to widespread belief, it is not illegal to pick most wildflowers for personal, non-commercial use. In a similar vein, it’s not illegal to forage most leaves and berries for food in the countryside for non-commercial use.

Is it bad to pick wild flowers?

In California, it is against the law to pick wildflowers on public lands, along roadways or on private property. Doing so could result in a steep fine. Bear Yuba Land Trust reminds nature lovers to refrain from picking wildflowers, taking cuttings, collecting seeds or removing entire plants.

Are you allowed to pick wild daffodils?

Yes as long as you are keeping them for your own personal use and are not selling them. You cannot, however, pick the whole plant, that would be classed as theft.

Are bluebonnets bad for dogs?

The bluebonnet is a common flower native to the Rocky Mountain range and westward. When ingested by dogs, it is toxic. If your dog consumes this flower, you need to contact your veterinarian immediately.

What does a bluebonnet symbolize?

The rain immediately began to fall and, along with it, a great field of beautiful bluebonnets. Thus, the bluebonnet has also come to symbolize bravery and sacrifice, along with its great Texas-pride!

Can I plant bluebonnets in my yard?

WITH A LITTLE PATIENCE, you can create a patch of bluebonnets in your own yard, ranch or roadside. Although this beautiful wildflower can be found across Texas every spring, bluebonnets can be tricky to get established.

When should you throw out bluebonnet seeds?

Bluebonnets grow best in soils that are alkaline, moderate in fertility, and most important of all, well drained. Full sun is also required for best growth. Seed may be planted September 1 through December 15; however, for best results, plant seeds no later than mid-November.

Do bluebonnets spread?

The plants reseed each season. The tan, fuzzy pods turn brown, fall off and seeds pop out to spread. To encourage more bluebonnets in a field, it’s important to wait until at least half the pods have turned tan before mowing. Big fields have a continuous cycle of germinating seeds from many years.

Are bluebonnets weeds?

ANSWER: The short answer to that is “no.” To us, a weed is a plant that is not where it belongs. Bluebonnets and other native plants are growing now pretty much where they have always grown, because they CAN grow there.