Users questions

What emotion is Green Lantern?

What emotion is Green Lantern?

The storylines “Sinestro Corps War” and “Blackest Night” introduce the rest of the spectrum, along with its emotions, corps and rings: red (rage), orange (avarice/greed), yellow (fear), green (willpower), blue (hope), indigo (compassion), violet (love), black (death), and white (life).

What makes Green Lantern a hero?

Relating to the book The Hero’s Trail by T.A. Barron, Green Lantern was a hero to others near and far because of his special powers to help others in need. Also, he is a hero to others close and far away because on a daily basis he gives up his life for others so they will have a safe life.

Who does Green Lantern love?

Carol Ferris

Do Green Lantern and Hawkgirl get together?

Then he and Hawkgirl fell in love. So the two broke up and Stewart began a relationship with Vixen, but during one adventure when they traveled to the future, it turns out Green Lantern and Hawkgirl have a son together.

Did hawkgirl kill Grundy?

He unleashes his power on Grundy, but finds that the zombie can absorb it. Deciding it is too dangerous to let him absorb more, Amazo teleports several light years away to come up with a better solution. The heroes attack again, and take a bad beating until Shayera hits Grundy with her mace.

How does hawkgirl hide her wings?

In the animated continuity, Hawkgirl’s wings are organic and she wields an Nth metal mace which disrupts magical forces and other forms of energy. It can be assumed that she also has some hover capability, as at times she is seen to hang in midair without the visible use of her wings.

Is hawkgirl a villain or hero?

Although often seen fighting at the side of a Hawkman, she is no mere love interest or sidekick, but a formidable hero in her own right. Different iterations of Hawkgirl have served as members of such teams as the Justice Society, the Justice League and the Wonders of the World.

Who is the weakest in the Justice League?

This list is going to take a look at the strongest members of the JLI… and the weakest.

  1. 1 Strongest: Shazam.
  2. 2 Weakest: Sue Dibny.
  3. 3 Strongest: Captain Atom.
  4. 4 Weakest: Ice.
  5. 5 Strongest: Power Girl.
  6. 6 Weakest: Fire.
  7. 7 Strongest: Martian Manhunter.
  8. 8 Weakest: Guy Gardner.

Will Hawkman and Hawkgirl return to Legends of tomorrow?

Legends of Tomorrow parted ways with Hawkman and Hawkgirl since their story had run its course. The producers were aware that the series hadn’t found its audience in season 1 and changes needed to be made to the format in order to grab viewers’ attention.

Is hawkman a hero or villain?

A fierce warrior without equal, the hero known as Hawkman has been a human being trapped in an ancient Egyptian curse of endless death and rebirth, and at other times, an alien police officer sent to Earth to help defend it. Sometimes, he’s even been a combination of both.

Who killed Hawkman?

Hawkman appears during Year 5 as part of Batman’s resistance after an altercation with Hawkgirl left him humiliated at the hands of Superman. Hawkman is killed by Superman after he attempted to kill him with a Kyptonite mace.

Is hawkman bulletproof?

They can tolerate a pretty solid amount of blunt force trauma and are overall very durable, but not completely bulletproof. They can heal from minor injuries in a few moments.