Users questions

What does the resemblance is uncanny mean?

What does the resemblance is uncanny mean?

Resemblance is similarity, or how much two things look like each other. Uncanny is weird, unnerving, or creepily realistic. So if you say that the resemblance is uncanny, you mean that something is so similar to something else as to be surprising/shocking.

What is another word for striking resemblance?

Some common synonyms of resemblance are analogy, likeness, similarity, and similitude.

What does a striking woman mean?

adjective. Someone who is striking is very attractive, in a noticeable way. She was a striking woman with long blonde hair. Synonyms: impressive, dramatic, stunning [informal], wonderful More Synonyms of striking.

What type of word is striking?

adjective. attractive; impressive: a scene of striking beauty. noticeable; conspicuous: a striking lack of enthusiasm. being on strike, as workers.

Is striking a compliment?

I sometimes still hear it like a backhanded compliment. “Striking” and “stunning” means the person has strong, memorable features and a distinctive face that is interesting to look at but does not necessarily make the heart swell. It’s like recognition of someone’s virtuosity in an art form you don’t personally enjoy.

Is a Sick out a strike?

While sick out could be considered a form of strike, it is not quite the same thing as a strike, and labor unions may or may not be involved. There are several reasons to choose to call a sick out, rather than actively striking.

How many balls are thrown before a batter can take his base at first?


How many bases do you get on an overthrow?

Two bases

Does walking affect batting average?

The Answer: A simple way to compute a player’s batting average is to divide the player’s total hits (not the number of bases) by his/her total at bats. A walk does not count as an at bat or hit, and does not affect a player’s batting average.