Users questions

What does the name Koko mean in Japanese?

What does the name Koko mean in Japanese?

The name Koko is a girl’s name of Japanese origin meaning “stork; night”.

What does Coco mean?

(Entry 1 of 2) : the coconut palm also : its fruit.

What does an angry liver mean?

If you’re constantly ill-tempered or anxious, you’re said to have an angry liver. The liver is often referred to as the “seat of anger.” Many Chinese and Ayurvedic medical practitioners equate chronic anger to poor liver function.

What emotion do the kidneys hold?


What chakra is hips?

Our sacral chakra is the second chakra in the body, found around the pelvis. It is our connection to our passions, enjoyment, and it acts as our pleasure centre. It is represented by the colour orange.

What happens when you open your hips?

When the hips are open, with more range of motion, this allows for better circulation and more support for the muscles of the back and the spine. In other words, lengthen the psoas muscles to help alleviate back pain.

How do you know if your sacral chakra is blocked?

Physical symptoms such as anemia, hypoglycaemia, lower back pain, joint problems, low energy, spleen and kidney issues and premenstrual syndrome can also be a result of an imbalance of the sacral chakra.

How do you clear a blocked sacral chakra?

How To Open the Sacral Chakra

  1. Burn Svadhisthana incense and essential oils. Aromatherapy has powerful healing properties that can restore feelings of sensuality and creativity.
  2. Repeat positive affirmations about sensuality and creativity.
  3. Practice postures that stabilize the sacral chakra.
  4. Reconnect with Water.

How do I clear my sacral chakra?

16 Sacral Chakra Healing Practices

  1. Practice emotional catharsis.
  2. Explore creative self-expression.
  3. Identify your sexual blockages.
  4. Meditate with and carry crystals.
  5. Become mindful of your emotional triggers.
  6. Increase your intake of ginger.
  7. Explore the root of your addictions.
  8. Practice self-care towards your body.

What does it feel like when your sacral chakra opens?

What happens when the sacral chakra opens? We experience sensations, sensuousness, and all the pleasures of physical, emotional, and spiritual aspects of life. It brings out creativity by reaching the vast depths of our subconscious mind.

What foods are good for the sacral chakra?

A healthy sacral chakra always aids control and balance in one’s life. Feed it with: Fan this fiery spot with sweet fruits like melons, mangos, strawberries, passion fruit, oranges, coconut. Even honey and nuts are recommended for it. As for spices, cinnamon, vanilla, sesame seeds help to nourish the chakra.

How do Empaths release negative energy?

  1. Wash your hands. Let’s start with the basics!
  2. Shower with salt. Keep sea salt or Epsom salt in your shower.
  3. Take a bath with salt and essential oils.
  4. Develop an external or internal water cleansing ritual.
  5. Clean your space energetically.
  6. Smudge yourself and your space.
  7. Ground yourself.
  8. Listen to guided meditations.