Users questions

What does survived by mean in an obituary?

What does survived by mean in an obituary?

The dictionary definition of “to be survived by someone” is that they are alive after a particular person dies. The idea is that families are a connected, long-term group, and a person’s legacy lives on in them.

Is survived by or was survived by?

If your grandmother has died in the last few days, you’d say or write, “She is survived by (list of people).” If she died in 2010 and you want to write her biography, you’d write “She was survived by…” if you want to mention who was alive after her death in 2010.

Is survived by her son?

So, I interpret “he is survived by son and wife” to mean that the deceased had no surviving spouse, but a son (who outlived him) and the SON is the one who is married. To denote a surviving spouse, it should read: “He is survived by wife and son”.

Have survived meaning?

1 : to remain alive or in existence : live on. 2 : to continue to function or prosper. transitive verb. 1 : to remain alive after the death of he is survived by his wife. 2 : to continue to exist or live after survived the earthquake.

How do you spell survived?

Correct spelling for the English word “Survived” is [səvˈa͡ɪvd], [səvˈa‍ɪvd], [s_ə_v_ˈaɪ_v_d] (IPA phonetic alphabet)….4 words made out of letters SURVIVED

  1. 6 letters. divers, drives.
  2. 7 letters. survive.
  3. 8 letters. survived.

How do you use survive in a sentence?

Survive sentence example

  1. None of us are gonna survive this!
  2. After all, he didn’t think he’d survive the weekend.
  3. She definitely didn’t know how to survive in the forest.
  4. You’ll survive , Brandon said as he took over Mrs.
  5. I don’t think our friendship will survive what is coming.

What is the meaning of requires?

to have need of; need: He requires medical care. to call on authoritatively; order or enjoin to do something: to require an agent to account for money spent. to ask for authoritatively or imperatively; demand. to impose need or occasion for; make necessary or indispensable: The work required infinite patience.