Users questions

What does seeing a white deer symbolize?

What does seeing a white deer symbolize?

The colour white has long been associated with purity; and in Celtic culture, the colour also represented the otherworld. In modern society, people have acted to protect the white stag as a vestige of beauty, and the hunting of the white stag has often been met with anger, because of its rare and elusive nature.

What does it mean when you dream about a white deer?

A white deer in dreams symbolizes purity, spiritual connection, and nobility. If the white deer was seen in the forest, his dream can then be connected to how grounded you feel life. Keep up the good work in life. Don’t let the world change your smile and kind nature.

What causes a white deer?

Instead, most white deer exhibit a condition commonly known as leucism, a recessive genetic trait found in about one percent of all white-tails. As with albinism, leucism can be found in nearly all mammals. (Confusingly, many deer biologists and hunters use “piebald” to describe all leucistic deer).

What is the rarest deer in the world?

The chevrotain was first described in 1910 by four people. A fifth sighting was reported in 1990 in central Vietnam, making it one of the rarest animals in the world, GWC said in a statement.

What is the smallest deer in the world?


What is the smallest breed of deer?

southern pudu fawn

Can you own a baby deer?

It is illegal in the state of California to have a deer as a pet.

What is the biggest deer in the world?

Alaskan moose

What animal looks like a tiny deer?


How small is a mouse-deer?

Java mouse-deer: 51 cm

What type of deer is Bambi?

white-tailed deer

Why do mouse-deer have fangs?

The silver-backed chevrotain, also known as the Vietnamese mouse-deer, is about the size of a large rabbit, with a silver sheen on its rump. Because chevrotains lack horns or antlers, and the fangs are especially long in males, scientists think the males use them to compete for territory and mates.

What eats a mouse-deer?

Because of the small size of the Java mouse-deer, dogs are also a common predator for them, as well as crocodiles, big cats, birds of prey, and snakes.

Can mouse-deer swim?

This semi-arboreal species climbs well, can swim, and may forage in shallow water. The usual means of locomotion is walking or running, but when pursued, deer mice leap.

Is the mouse-deer endangered?

Not extinct

How long do mouse deer live?

eight years

Is Pilandok extinct?

Endangered (Population decreasing)

How big is a mouse deer?

How do you catch a deer mouse?

Snap traps and electrocution traps can be used to remove deer mice that are found in or around buildings. Peanut butter or peanut butter mixed with cereal or rolled oats is usually an effective attractant. A dozen or more traps may be needed to effectively control a large population in a timely manner.

What animal did deer evolve from?

Evolution. Deer are believed to have evolved from antlerless, tusked ancestors that resembled modern duikers and diminutive deer in the early Eocene, and gradually developed into the first antlered cervoids (the superfamily of cervids and related extinct families) in the Miocene.

Why is the mouse deer endangered?

The Mouse Deer are hunted and become as endangered condition. In destruction and shrinking of forest areas, it has been losing its numbers and survival. Because it is hunted easily by wild animal and man. It can survive only in to dense forest and greenish areas.

What is the meaning of Pilandok?

Philippine mouse-deer

How big is a Vietnamese mouse deer?

Per his measurements, the head-and-body length is around 48 cm (19 in) and the tail is 5 cm (2.0 in) long.

What is the scientific name of mouse deer?


What is the scientific name of Pilandok?

Tragulus nigricans

Is a mouse deer a mammal?

Chevrotain, (family Tragulidae), also called mouse deer, any of about 10 species of small, delicately built, hoofed mammals that constitute the family Tragulidae (order Artiodactyla). Chevrotains are found in the warmer parts of Southeast Asia and India and in parts of Africa.

Is a Moose a deer?

Moose, (Alces alces), largest member of the deer family Cervidae (order Artiodactyla). Moose are striking in appearance because of their towering size, black colour, long legs, pendulous muzzle, and dangling hairy dewlap (called a bell) and the immense, wide, flat antlers of old bulls.