Users questions

What does premium refurbished mean at GameStop?

What does premium refurbished mean at GameStop?

The premium refurbished simply means it comes with some GameStop branded accessories, like earbuds or controller skins. Premium Refurbished means that somebody returned it and they did the exact same job as before, only with warranty.

Is a refurbished ps3 good?

You should always go with refurbished rather than pre-owned when debating between the two. Refurbished is basically Gamestop taking the original console and they’ll either fix anything wrong with it or just reconstructing it a bit. It’s far more likely that the console will last longer than if you buy pre-owned.

Will Gamestop fix my PS3?

No. And they won’t even take it in on trade if you have broken the warranty sticker, unless the employee is lazy and doesn’t care.

Does GameStop fix PS4?

Gamestop does not do repairs of any kind. Gamestop does not do repairs of any kind. GameStop would offer to allow you to trade in the system as defective for a greatly reduced price towards a replacement.

How much does a used PS3 sell for at GameStop?

PS3 “Buy” Prices (What you can expect to pay as of

GameStop eBay Current Price @ eBay
PS3 60 GB $90 $230
PS3 80 GB $100 $168
PS3 160 GB $100 $124
PS3 Slim 120 GB $110 $112

Does Gamestop repair consoles?

At Gamestop, we know that securing games and personal content is a valuable asset. In the unlikely event that your device is damaged or lost by Gamestop, Gamestop will repair the damage or replace the lost device with an equivalent replacement device.

How much will gamestop give me for a PS4?

Originally Answered: How much money will GameStop give me for my PS4? They won’t give you any money at all. They will give you $100 in store credit for a regular model and $130 in store credit for a Slim.

Does gamestop buy broken controllers?

Short Answer: GameStop will purchase broken consoles, controllers, and games for cash or store credit, with some restrictions. For defective items, GameStop will typically deduct a refurbishing fee of up to about $60 from your trade-in offer.

Does Gamestop Take controllers with drift?

They will porbably still take it. HOWEVER, you can get a FREE NEW controller from a Microsoft store or the help line. You have to tell them, “I bought an Xbox One bundle, and my controller drifts.” They will replace it immediately, because there was a large batch of badly made controllers that drift after minor use.

Can I sell controllers to GameStop?

Trades must be in full working condition to receive full value. Hardware must have all necessary components for trade. All trades are subject to manager approval. GameStop reserves the right to cease taking trades of any product without notice.

What GameStop buys?

GameStop also offers fans a wide variety of POP! vinyl figures, collectibles, board games and more. Through GameStop’s unique buy-sell-trade program, gamers can trade in video game consoles, games, and accessories, as well as consumer electronics for cash or in-store credit.

How much can I sell my Xbox 360 for at GameStop 2020?

Retailers like GameStop will accept an Xbox 360 (S model) 320 GB system or a PS3 500 GB system for $110, according to its current trade-values listing.