Users questions

What does Kemosabe and Tonto mean?

What does Kemosabe and Tonto mean?

Ke-mo sah-bee (/ˌkiːmoʊˈsɑːbiː/; often spelled kemo sabe, kemosabe or kimosabe) is the term used by the fictional Native American sidekick Tonto as the Indian name for The Lone Ranger in the American television and radio programs The Lone Ranger. It has become a common catchphrase.

Why does Lone Ranger wear a mask?

The Lone Ranger (formerly known as John Reid) is a one-time Texas Ranger, the sole survivor of a group of Rangers killed in ambush. He wears a mask to conceal his identity as he travels throughout the West fighting for law and order.

Where is the lone rangers horse Silver?

He was retired after a brief stand-in appearance in the 1956 movie, “The Lone Ranger”, and was only used for close ups and head shots thereafter. In 1957, Silver won the Award for Excellence (Patsy). He lived out his days at the Ace Hudkin’s stables in southern California.

What did the Lone Ranger say to his horse Silver?

* Whenever the Lone Ranger mounts his horse, Silver, he shouts the oft-imitated epithet “Hi Ho, Silver” (sometimes “Hi-yo, Silver”). He acquired Silver after saving the horse’s life from an enraged buffalo; his original steed had a less dynamic name – Dusty.

Why did the Lone Ranger fail?

Disney’s Lone Ranger Was Far Too Expensive Their spending issues were also public knowledge by then, which resulted in a lot of negative early press for the film, even after the cast and crew took a salary cut to help with the larger costs.

What color was the Lone Ranger?


Does Maverick mean?

The Collins Dictionary defines the word Maverick as: a person of independent or unorthodox views. Over the subsequent course of time, the word has been used to describe people in both a positive and negative context.

What is Lone?

adjective. being alone; without company or accompaniment; solitary; unaccompanied: a lone traveler. standing by itself or apart; isolated: a lone house in the valley. sole; single; only: That company constitutes our lone competitor in the field.

Is Lones a word?

LONES is not a valid scrabble word.

What is another word for Lone?

Some common synonyms of lone are alone, desolate, forlorn, lonely, lonesome, and solitary.