Users questions

What does just fine and dandy mean?

What does just fine and dandy mean?

informal. —used to express agreement or approval That’s just fine and dandy with me.

How do you use dandy in a sentence?

Dandy sentence example

  1. He was no dandy , and that was a fact.
  2. “What a dandy you are today!” said Nesvitski, looking at Denisov’s new cloak and saddlecloth.
  3. The Mogul court of Delhi, especially during the reign of Mahommed Shah, nicknamed Rangila or the ” dandy ,” greatly influenced change in these matters.

How do you dress like a dandy?

Classic elements of dandy style include items like a trench coat, cuff-links, blazers, scarves, and well-tailor pants. Depending on the occasion, you may also find elegant hats, gloves, vests, wing-tip shoes, or even a leather jacket. Fabrics like silk, linen and tweed are in heavy rotation.

What is dandyism literature?

1 : the style or conduct of a dandy. 2 : a literary and artistic style of the latter part of the 19th century marked by artificiality and excessive refinement.

How is Algernon a dandy?

Algernon calls himself a Bunburyist, which is a person who avoids responsibility and never acts earnestly. Algernon is also a dandy, a man who pays excessive attention to his appearance. The dandies in Wilde’s works represented Wilde and his own opinions.

What is the meaning of Dandy bus?

a dandy bus. an informal expression for a fashionable vehicle.

Is Dandy a Scrabble word?

Yes, dandy is in the scrabble dictionary.

What animals have cloven hoof?

A cloven hoof, cleft hoof, divided hoof or split hoof is a hoof split into two toes. This is found on members of the mammalian order Artiodactyla. Examples of mammals that possess this type of hoof are cattle, deer, pigs, antelopes, gazelles, goats and sheep.

Is a horse’s hoof like a nail?

Like we said before, horses’ hooves are made of the same material as your nail and, just like when you cut your nails, the horses don’t feel anything when affixing the horseshoe to the hoof. Once the nails are put through the outer edge of the hoof, the farrier bends them over, so they make a sort of hook.

Can a horse hoof grow back?

In many cases, with adequate care and lots of patience, an equine can re-grow a hoof capsule and return to function.