Users questions

What does Jenna mean in the Bible?

What does Jenna mean in the Bible?

It has origins in Hebrew, perhaps from Jona or Janica, both names meaning ‘God is gracious’.

What is the spiritual meaning of Jenna?

It is of Arabic origin, and the meaning of Jenna is “heaven”. Also fanciful alteration of Jenny with the -a ending; diminutive of Jennifer; variant of Jean (Hebrew) “God’s grace”.

Is Jenna a pretty name?

Jenna is a really pretty, really simple sounding name in the ever-popular ā€œJā€ category of names. If you don’t mind that it’s most famously borne by a Porn Star (i.e., Jenna Jamison), we’ll forgive you.

What is the full name for Jenna?

Jenna is a female given name. In the English-speaking world it is a variation of Jenny, which is itself a diminutive of Jane, Janet, Jennifer and is often used as a name in its own right….Jenna.

Gender Female
Word/name English
Other names
Related names Genevieve, Jane, Janet, Jen, Jennifer, Jenny

Where did the name Jenna come from?

The name Jenna is a girl’s name of English, Welsh origin meaning “white shadow, white wave”. Jenna was first noted on the 1980s TV series Dallas, later associated with one of the First Twin Daughters. Jenna is still being used, but no longer feels much fresher than Jennifer.

Is Jenna a boy or girl name?

The name Jenna is primarily a female name of English origin that means Fair Phantom. Diminutive form of Jennifer.

What is a good middle name for Jenna?

I also like 1-syllable middle names with the name Jenna: Jenna Fay, Jenna May, and Jenna Ruth are nice; Jenna Bess is similar to Jenna Beth; and if you like repeated-consonant sounds you might like Jenna Joy.

Is Jenna an Irish name?

Jenna in Irish is Fionnuir.

What does the name Jenne mean?

The name Jenne is of Welsh origin. The meaning of Jenne is “white, fair and smooth, soft”. Jenne is generally used as a girl’s name.

What does Jenna mean in Arabic?

‘Jenna’ means little bird.In Arabic ‘Jenna’ means paradise.jenna (fair lady)-(white, fair, blessed). ‘Jenna’ means little bird.In Arabic ‘Jenna’ means paradise.jenna (fair lady)-(white, fair, blessed).

What is the meaning of the name Jenna?

Jenna ā–¼ as a girls’ name is pronounced JEN-ah. It is of Arabic origin, and the meaning of Jenna is “heaven”. Also fanciful alteration of Jenny with the -a ending; diminutive of Jennifer; variant of Jean (Hebrew) “God’s grace”. The name is made famous by a character on the TV series “Dallas”.

What does your name Jenna mean?

The meaning of Jenna is “white, fair and smooth, soft”. Jenna is generally used as a girl’s name. It consists of 5 letters and 2 syllables and is pronounced Je-nna .