Users questions

What does it mean when you DM someone?

What does it mean when you DM someone?

direct message

Can you please DM?

DM = direct message This can be used as a verb (as in, please DM me!) or a noun (as in, please send me a DM). When the brand or customer support person asks you to DM them, it means they want you to send a private message to them.

What is DM in twin flame?

The Divine Feminine (DF) and Divine Masculine (DM). The Runner is typically the twin holding the masculine energy and the Chaser is typically the twin holding the feminine energy. The point of the relationship is tied to your spiritual development….

What are the stages of twin flames?

8 Major Twin Flame Stages

  • Stage One – Yearning for “The One”
  • Stage Two – Glimpsing “The One”
  • Stage Three – Falling in Love.
  • Stage Four – The Fairy-Tale Relationship.
  • Stage Five – Outer Turmoil and Inner Purging.
  • Stage Six – The Runner and Chaser.
  • Stage Seven – Surrender and Dissolution.
  • Stage Eight – Oneness.

What is divine masculine?

Traits of the Divine Masculine include logic, reason, action, firmness, survival, loyalty, adventurousness, strength, and rationality, according to Meanwhile, the Divine Feminine encompasses intuition, nurturing, healing, gentleness, expression, wisdom, patience, emotions, and flexibility….

What is the meaning of twin flames?

According to Savvas, “A twin flame is your own soul, shared across what appears to be two physical beings. It’s one soul split into two bodies.” Digging a little deeper, Savvas once wrote of twin flames: “When a soul is created, it is split into two parts, mirrors of each other, constantly yearning to reconnect.”

Why are twin flame relationships hard?

The biggest problem for most Twins is that they do not realize that the journey to Twin Flame Union is a cleansing process – they take these negative energies and patterns for granted in the present moment and accept it as a negative aspect of the Twin Flame relationship.

What are twin flame numbers?

Numbers such as 11, 56, 65, 47, 74, 38, 83, 29, 92 also lead up to 1111 when 2 pairs are added, so this also will be an indication that you are seeing rapid flow of 1111s. This is another way the Universe is giving you confirmations that you are making headway in your Twin Flame connection.