Users questions

What does it mean when Cineplex says no passes?

What does it mean when Cineplex says no passes?

Cineplex on Twitter: “@laineey4 no passes means you can’t use any promotional coupon or code when purchasing tickets for that film. ^MW”

What does no passes mean at Landmark?

Guest Services. Certain films are placed under a pass restriction for a period of time. The restriction generally applies to the first two-weeks of a film’s release, however there may be specific films in which this time period is extended based on studio contracts.

Are Cineplex and Landmark the same?

Landmark Cinemas of Canada Inc. Landmark Cinema of Canada Inc. is a Canadian cinema chain. Behind Cineplex, it is the second-largest cinema chain in Canada. It was acquired by Belgian company Kinepolis in 2017 for $123 million.

Can you use movie passes online?

YES! The Cineplex Admit One, Senior Admit One, One Night Out, Great Escape, Senior Admit One and Child Adventure vouchers are now redeemable online at or at any Cineplex theatre Box Office….

Do Cineplex tickets expire?

Single admission, bundled admission, or concession certificates do not expire. Products that do not expire include: Admit One.

Can Costco movie passes be used online?

For those of you who haven’t used these tickets in a while, these vouchers used to be available online, but the online product was discontinued. The vouchers are only available in stores now….

How do I redeem a Cineplex digital movie?

  1. Create an account or sign in.
  2. Select the movie you wish to rent and choose “HD”
  3. Enter your rental code into the “Enter promo code” box and hit “Apply”
  4. Click “Place my order” to confirm and enjoy your movie.

Can I use my scene points to watch movies at home?

Redeem Points Rewards start at just 500 points. Find out what movies, meals and more can be yours! Enjoy movies from home! * When you select the ‘Redeem SCENE pts to save’ checkbox at checkout, the points needed will be applied to your order.

How do you use Cineplex codes?

Under the showtime details on the ticketing page, you’ll see a Voucher or Promo Code box. Click Add a Code, enter your promotional code and click Apply.

Can movie theaters search your bag?

Most theatres do not check bags, but if they do they will likely not move things around inside your bag. While not against federal law, it is against most movie theater policies to bring in outside food. While you won’t get arrested, you may be asked to leave the theater.

Is it illegal to bring snacks to the movies?

It’s not illegal, per se, but it’s generally prohibited by theaters, and the ticket usually has a contract clause (read the tiny print) that they can kick you out without refunding the ticket, if you bring in your own snacks.

How much is a drink at AMC Theaters?

AMC Concession Prices

Food Cost
Soft Drink (Medium) $5.59 – $5.79
Soft Drink (Large) $6.09 – $6.29
Milkshakes $5.89 – $6.19
ICEE (medium) $5.59 – $5.79

Who bought AMC Motors?
