Users questions

What does it mean when an invitation says Regrets Only?

What does it mean when an invitation says Regrets Only?

The phrase “Regrets only” refers to the assumption that a declination will be worded with some variation of “We regret we cannot attend…”. Prior to sending the RSVP invitation, the host may mail out a “save the date” card to advise the date and location of the celebration.

How do you say regret in invitation?

Here are some tips on how to turn down an invitation in the most polite way:

  1. Don’t ignore the invitation. Putting the invitation aside to deal with later isn’t good for you or the person who sent it.
  2. Don’t wait.
  3. Be thankful.
  4. Be honest.
  5. Ask for a different time.
  6. Don’t over-explain.
  7. Send something.

What is full form of RSVP?

Répondez s’il vous plaît

What is STFY?

STFY stands for “Seattle Team For Youth”

What does DM mean in?

direct message

What does SMaSH mean with a girl?

Here is how it works: Teens upload pictures of themselves so other users can say if they would either “smash” which means to hook up sexually with someone or “pass” as in no thanks.

What does lets SMaSH mean?

it’s a slang term to ask someone to have sex. or if its in the context of Nintendo’s Super Smash Brothers, it could mean “lets play smash bros”…

What is the smash in badminton?

The badminton smash is mainly used for attacking. It often acts as a winning shot in any badminton rallies. Basically a smash is an offensive shot shot fired from a high point and travels down steeply towards your opponent. Types of Smash. There are few types of smashes that are commonly used in badminton games today.

Can you smash a serve in badminton?

Yes it is legal but only if the receiver moves AFTER the server delivers the service. This means that the receiver is only allowed to move forward after the server’s racket makes contact with the shuttlecock. Otherwise, it will be a fault on the receiver.

How many times can you serve in badminton?

A serve is deemed completed as soon as the shuttle is struck by the server’s racket. Only one serve is allowed per player to put the shuttle into play.

What is the best serve in badminton?

Whereas in doubles the low serve is objectively best, in singles it’s hard to pick one serve to use as your default. Use high serves and low serves most of the time. Flick serves should be reserved for when you spot a weakness, or when you see that your opponent is rushing your low serve.

What are the two basic types of serves in badminton?

There are 3 basic serves; High Serve (used in singles only, Low Serve (used in both singles and doubles) and Flick serve (used in doubles).

What is the rule of service in badminton?

The basic service rules remains the same – i.e. the player who serves first shall do so from the right side of the service court and continue to do so each time after gathering an even number of points during a game while a serve after winning an odd number of points shall come from the left service court.