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What does it mean foreseeable future?

What does it mean foreseeable future?

The adjective foreseeable most often turns up in the phrase “the foreseeable future,” which basically means “as far in the future as I can predict.” The meaning is in the word – it’s the “before” you’re “able” to “see.” You might be so mad at your sister that you tell her you won’t drive her to school for the …

How do you spell foreseeable future?

How Do You Spell FORESEEABLE FUTURE? Correct spelling for the English word “foreseeable future” is [fɔːsˈiːəbə͡l fjˈuːt͡ʃə], [fɔːsˈiːəbə‍l fjˈuːt‍ʃə], [f_ɔː_s_ˈiː__ə_b_əl f_j_ˈuː_tʃ_ə] (IPA phonetic alphabet).

What is perceivable future?

: at a time that is not long from now : soon We have no plans to sell our house in/for the foreseeable future.

What is the meaning of priorities?

When a group or a person cares about one thing over all others, that’s the top priority. “After the flood, finding a place to live became their first priority.” Priority comes from the word prior, which means to come before something else. A priority is the concern, interest or desire that comes before all others.

What is another word for foreseeable?

What is another word for foreseeable?

predictable probable
imaginable calculable
anticipatable estimative
expected anticipated
inevitable predicted

What is the opposite of foreseeable?

foreseeable(adj) capable of being anticipated. “foreseeable costs were well within the budget” Antonyms: unpredictable.

What part of speech is the word foreseeable?

Foreseeable is the adjective form of the verb foresee, which means to see or know beforehand.

What does greengrocer mean?

vegetables and fruit

How does greengrocer help us?

Greengrocers buy and sell fruit and vegetables. They work in retail outlets, shops or farm shops, selling to the general public. A wholesale greengrocer deals with growers and importers, placing orders and selling on the fresh produce to shops, market stallholders and caterers, including hotels and restaurants.