Users questions

What does intermittent employment mean?

What does intermittent employment mean?

Having intermittent work means that you are scheduled less than full-time and don’t have regular work hours. The classification “intermittent employment” is often used in government and public offices to differentiate such workers from those who do keep regular employment.

Are intermittent employees eligible for FERS?

Yes. Employees on temporary appointments and employees on seasonal and intermittent schedules are now eligible to enroll in FEHB Program coverage the same as other eligible employees.

What is an intermittent appointment?

Intermittent appointment means an appointment to a position which requires performance on an irregular or “as needed” basis.

What is a limited term position with the state of California?

Government Code Section 18530 defines a limited term appointment as an appointment, either by way of reinstatement or certification from an employment list, not to exceed two years. A limited term appointment provides for experience and pay of the classification, but not permanent status.

What is a limited term employee?

Limited term employees are employees who serve the County for a period of up to 6,240 hours. Limited term employees are typically brought on to work on special projects, help the department address a significant spike in workload, or backfill for a regular employee who is on leave or working out of class.

What does limited term intermittent mean?

A limited term intermittent position is one in which the employee is to work periodically or has a fluctuating schedule, therefore, a RPA to place an employee on a leave of absence is not needed. The employee must request the leave of absence from their supervisor and receive approval before leave is taken.

What is a cadre position?

Cadre means a group of people who do similar tasks. This job is around disaster response which also means you could be working 12 hr days a few weeks. Time of service is based on hrs worked. 2087=1 year. A few agencies have thus kind of work.

What does permanent cadre mean?

permanent skeleton establishment

How big is a cadre?

A cadre is (conveniently) roughly the size of a 1000-2000 point 40k army, though exact numbers would depend on the specific role (a dedicated tank cadre will have fewer members than a dedicated infantry cadre).

What is cadre management?

(1) The basic purpose of cadre management is to ensure that, consistent with the maintenance of morale, the cadre is recruited, trained and utilised in a manner calculated to fulfil the objectives for which the cadre was constituted.

What is meant by cadre strength?

According to fundamental Rule 9(4), `cadre’ means the strength of a service or part of service sanctioned. Supreme Court of India.

Who is cadre controlling authority?

The Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions is the cadre controlling authority for the Administrative Service, the Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change for the Forest Service and The Ministry of Home Affairs for the Police Service, while examination for recruitment of IAS and IPS is …

What is the meaning of cadre controlling authority?

(c) “Cadre Controlling Authority” means the Government of India in the Ministry of Defence. (i) “Government” means the Government of India. (j) Other backward classes shall have the same meaning and applicability as laid down in DoP OM No. 93-Estt. (SCT) dated 08.09.

What does cadre mean?

1 : a nucleus or core group especially of trained personnel able to assume control and to train others broadly : a group of people having some unifying relationship a cadre of lawyers a cadre of technicians.

What does a section officer do?

The general duties of a Desk/Section Officer are distribution of work among the staff as evenly as possible; training, help and advising the staff; management and co-ordination of work; maintenance of order and discipline in the section maintenance of a list of residential address of the staff.

What is meant by regular service?

Regular service means uninterrupted service on some independent job, except service on adhoc or contractual basis. …

Is section officer a gazetted officer?

The appointing Authority in respect of CSS is President. Assistant is Group ‘B’ (Non- Gazetted) post and Section Officer is Group ‘B’ (Gazetted) post. All other posts of CSS are Group ‘A’ (Gazetted).

Which post has highest salary in SSC CGL?

Assistant Audit Officer

How do you become a section officer?

The candidates need to pass Section Officer (Audit) Exam to obtain a job as section officer. The staff selection commission is the concerned authority who organizes test for selecting the right candidate as Section Officer (Audit). Graduates with 50% marks are eligible to apply for the exam.

Can I clear SSC CGL in 3 months?

Related Stories. Now, many of the aspirants may be thinking, “Is it possible to prepare for SSC CGL exam in just 3 months?” and the answer is “Yes”. You can prepare for the SSC CGL exam excellently in just 3 months, if you have followed the appropriate preparation strategy with dedication.

Can I crack SSC CGL in 2 months?

We have come up with 2 Months SSC CGL 2020 Study Plan to focus on the above points. You can follow the plan to get the good marks in the exam….SSC CGL Study Plan for 2nd Month.

Day Day 50
Quantitative Aptitude Mock Test
English Language & Comprehension Previous Papers
General Intelligence & Reasoning Mock Test

Is SSC CGL tougher than Upsc?

IAS exams tend to be much more difficult and extensive in matter and competition as compared to SSC. In SSC CGL, every section consists of 25 questions, each of them carrying two marks. The duration of the Tier-1 exam is 75 minutes. The total marks of the paper are 200.

Is SSC or bank better?

Reasoning of Bank PO exams is tougher as compared to SSC CGL exam. Bank PO exams focus more on computer aptitude section, which is not the case with SSC CGL exam. Under General Awareness, Bank PO exams focus more on banking awareness and current affairs on economy and finance.

Is 1 year sufficient for IAS preparation?

An individual must have wondered that 1 year is enough for IAS preparation. The answer is yes. One year is sufficient to crack IAS exam no matter how difficult UPSC exam is. Those who all clear the stages of examination become an officer in IAS, IPS, or IFS, and other services.