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What does ingenious mean mean?

What does ingenious mean mean?

1 : having or showing an unusual aptitude for discovering, inventing, or contriving an ingenious detective. 2 : marked by originality, resourcefulness, and cleverness in conception or execution an ingenious contraption.

Is ingenious a bad word?

Ingenious means clever, original or inventive. It derives ultimately from the Latin word ingenium, which means a natural capacity or talent. It’s the same word from which engine, among other words, derives. Today, the word often has more negative overtones.

How do you use the word ingenious?

showing inventiveness and skill.

  1. His plots are always very ingenious.
  2. Johnny is so ingenious – he can make the most remarkable sculptures from the most ordinary materials.
  3. She is an ingenious girl.
  4. He has an ingenious scheme to attract funding.
  5. The idea sounds quite ingenious.

What does ingenuous mean in this paragraph?

ingenuous • \in-JEN-yuh-wus\ • adjective. 1 : showing innocent or childlike simplicity and candidness 2 : lacking craft or subtlety.

What are some ingenious inventions?

8 Ingenious Inventions That Have Literally Changed Our Way Of…

  • 1) Transistors. Source: carnevalenrico.
  • 2) GPS. Source: migom.
  • 3) Elevators. Source: needselevators.
  • 4) ATM Machines. Source: tweaktown.
  • 5) Microwaves. Source: plavni.
  • 6) Spectacles. Source: b’Source: Pixabay’
  • 7) The Computer Mouse. Source: benzinga.

What is the synonym of ‘ingenious’?

clever, cunning, ingenious(adj) showing inventiveness and skill. “a clever gadget”; “the cunning maneuvers leading to his success”; “an ingenious solution to the problem”. Synonyms: tricksy, canny, clever, cunning, cagy, slick, sly, cute, cagey, wily, apt, knavish, crafty, guileful, dodgy, tricky, foxy. Antonyms: maladroit.

What is a sentence with the word ingenious?

His plots are always very ingenious.

  • Johnny is so ingenious – he can make the most remarkable sculptures from the most ordinary materials.
  • She is an ingenious girl.
  • He has an ingenious scheme to attract funding.
  • The idea sounds quite ingenious.
  • She’s very ingenious when it comes to finding excuses.
  • He invented an ingenious excuse for his absence.
  • What does the word ingenuous mean?

    Ingenious means “characterized by cleverness” or “cleverly inventive,” as in contriving new explanations or methods: an ingenious device; ingenious designers.Ingenuous means “candid” or “innocent”: an ingenuous and sincere statement; a thug with the ingenuous eyes of a choirboy.

    What is another word for ingenious device?

    Synonyms for ingenious device. instrumentation. appliances. contraptions. machinery. works. bells and whistles. MOST RELEVANT. Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.