Users questions

What does identify and describe mean?

What does identify and describe mean?

In academic terms, identify means to name. So if you were asked to identify three noble gases , you would simply name helium, neon, argon. Describe requires more. If you were to be asked to describe the properties of a noble gas, you would state that noble gases are very nonreactive and have no smell or color to them.

What is the definition of identity?

1a : the distinguishing character or personality of an individual : individuality. b : the relation established by psychological identification. 2 : the condition of being the same with something described or asserted establish the identity of stolen goods.

What is problem identification and definition?

What is Problem Identification? Problem Identification consists of: Clearly identifying the root cause of a problem. Developing a detailed problem statement that includes the problem’s effect on a population’s health.

What is the difference between defining and explaining?

The main difference between Explain and Define is that the Explain is a set of statements constructed to describe a set of facts and Define is a statement that explains the meaning of a term. Explanation attempts to answer the “why” and “how” questions.

What do they mean when they say describe?

To describe is to convey in words the appearance, nature, attributes, etc., of something. The word often implies vividness of personal observation: to describe a scene, an event. To narrate is to recount the occurrence of something, usually by giving the details of an event or events in the order of their happening.

What is meant by science definition?

Science is the pursuit and application of knowledge and understanding of the natural and social world following a systematic methodology based on evidence. Scientific methodology includes the following: Evidence. Experiment and/or observation as benchmarks for testing hypotheses.

How do you define science in your own words?

Science is the study of the nature and behavior of natural things and the knowledge that we obtain about them. The best discoveries in science are very simple. 2. countable noun. A science is a particular branch of science such as physics, chemistry, or biology.

What are the two meanings of science?

Contrast the two meanings of science. One description of science is a systematic process for learning about the world and testing our understanding of it. The term science is also commonly used to refer to the accumulated body of knowledge that arises from this dynamic process of observation, testing, and discovery.

What are some words to describe science?

Science Vocabulary Word List

  • astronomy. astrophysics. atom.
  • beaker. biochemistry. biology. botany. Bunsen burner. burette.
  • cell. chemical. chemistry. climate. climatologist. control.
  • data. datum.
  • electricity. electrochemist. element. energy. entomology. evolution.
  • fact. flask. fossil. funnel.
  • genetics. geology. geophysics. glassware. graduated cylinder.
  • herpetology. hypothesis.

What are some words to describe scientists?

Here are some adjectives for scientist: talented genetic, full-blown mad, rebellious, unorthodox, hardworking, abstracted, ancient mad, vexing, smug, lunatic japanese, thoroughgoing conscientious, obscure and ambitious, meek academic, famous biological, bald mad, burly australian, skilled, remorseful, famous genetic.

What is science short note?

Science is what we do to find out about the natural world. Natural science makes observations and experiments. Science produces accurate facts, scientific laws and theories. ‘Science’ also refers to the large amount of knowledge that has been found using this process. Research uses the scientific method.

How science is useful in our daily life?

Science is involved in cooking, eating, breathing, driving, playing, etc. The fabric we wear, the brush and paste we use, the shampoo, the talcum powder, the oil we apply, everything is the consequence of advancement of science. Life is unimaginable without all this, as it has become a necessity.

How does science help us in life?

Scientific knowledge can improve the quality of life at many different levels—from the routine workings of our everyday lives to global issues. Science informs public policy and personal decisions on energy, conservation, agriculture, health, transportation, communication, defense, economics, leisure, and exploration.

What are the benefits of science in our daily life?

Scientific knowledge allows us to develop new technologies, solve practical problems, and make informed decisions — both individually and collectively. Because its products are so useful, the process of science is intertwined with those applications: New scientific knowledge may lead to new applications.

How can we apply humanities in our daily life?

The humanities have practical applications for everyday life. They offer individuals and societies the opportunity to test ideas or actions and to imagine their consequences. The humanities provide a context for envisioning the impact—positive and negative—of new ideas in our culture, politics, and daily lives.

How matter is important in our daily life?

So the food that we eat everyday consists atoms as well as molecules. Therefore, the food are also a kind of matter without which we cannot survive. 3. The clothes that we wear, all the necessary things like pencil, brush, utensils all are made of matter.

How can you apply this skills to apply in real life situations?


  1. Focus on the relevance of what you’re learning. …
  2. Take time to reflect and self-explain. …
  3. Use a variety of learning media. …
  4. Change things up as often as possible. …
  5. Identify any gaps in your knowledge. …
  6. Establish clear learning goals. …
  7. Practise generalising. …
  8. Make your learning social.

How can you share your learnings to others?

Understanding Differences in Learning and Knowledge Sharing Methods

  1. Visually: using pictures, images, and reading to understand.
  2. Verbally: using listening and recitation to understand.
  3. Physically: using physical touch and hands-on practice to understand.

Why is it important to share your experience?

Did you know that sharing your experiences are important? In fact, sharing experiences with people, even strangers makes the experience more intense and memorable. In addition, your experiences can help other people since they can learn from you.

Why we should learn from others?

If we are serious about our own personal growth, we should also be serious about the concept of learning for life. Learning from others helps us grow emotionally, helps us from making mistakes and can often help with our own decision making.

Why should we share your knowledge with others?

Personal benefits: Sharing your knowledge improves your personal performance, effectiveness, and skills, which should increase your personal profit. Sharing what you know: Helps you learn: by doing research, synthesizing multiple viewpoints, and crystallizing ideas.

How do you feel when you share your things with others?

When important events happen, whether good or bad, sharing them with others makes them come to life. When we hold things in and let our thoughts take over, it’s easy to drown in our own words. The longer we keep what’s happening in our lives inside, the more disconnected we can feel.

What is the benefit of sharing?

Social and Personal Benefits get to know our neighbors and make neighborhoods safer. make friends. find resources and referrals more easily. find new ways to relate to friends, relatives, coworkers, and neighbors.