Users questions

What does Flash Cannon do in Pokemon?

What does Flash Cannon do in Pokemon?

Flash Cannon deals damage and has a 10% chance of lowering the target’s Special Defense by one stage. Stats can be lowered to a minimum of -6 stages each.

Is Flash Cannon good for lucario?

Aura Sphere is Lucario’s best charge move by far. Close Combat and Flash Cannon are underwhelming moves that make Lucario an underwhelming Fighting or Steel attacker. Shadow Ball isn’t the best use of Lucario.

What type of move is flash cannon?

Steel-type move

Can you still get Meteor Mash after community day?

Don’t Miss Out: Get A Meteor Mash Metagross In Pokémon GO. Currently, after Niantic didn’t offer this move during their normal December Recap Community Day in 2020, Meteor Mash is finally available during the current Hoenn Celebration Event in Pokémon GO.

Is Meteor Mash better than flash cannon?

Most posts online are recommending meteor mash for Lucario, which is 90 attack damage, 90 accuracy. But flash cannon is 80 special damage, using Lucarios higher stat, and it’s 100 percent accuracy.

Can Metagross learn Meteor Mash with charged TM?

Meteor Mash as a move makes Metagross the best Steel-type attacker in the game, full stop. If you have a Metagross into which you’ve invested Stardust, it needs an Elite Charged TM to obtain Meteor Mash.

Which Pokemon should I use fast TM on?

What are the best Pokémon Go movesets to change with TMs for Raid Battles?

Pokémon Use Change From
Zapdos* Charge TM Any Move
Moltres* Fast TM Wing Attack
Charge TM Ancient Power, Heat Wave or Fire Blast
Dragonite* Fast TM Any Move

Can you solo Metagross raid?

Metagross is a Tier 3 raid boss in Pokemon GO, with 25440 CP. Metagross, as of the release of Mega Pokemon in Pokemon GO, should be soloable as a Tier 3 boss with optimal Level 30 counters or better. …

Who can beat Metagross?

The 5 strongest Pokémon you can use to beat Metagross are:

  • Chandelure,
  • Gengar,
  • Darmanitan (Standard),
  • Yveltal,
  • Darmanitan (Galarian Zen).

What is Metagross weakness?


Can Ditto breed Metagross?

Yes, it Metagross (Or any other genderless Pokemon) can breed with Ditto.

What Pokemon has the longest egg cycle?

I recall Gible being in the 41 egg cycles group, and the earlier-mentioned Aron being in the 36 egg cycles group. The 41 egg cycles group is the group thus far known to have the highest hatch times out of those that can legitimately hatch.