Users questions

What does enjoy your night mean?

What does enjoy your night mean?

1 to receive pleasure from; take joy in.

How do you respond to enjoy your day?

The simple answer is to reply with a ‘Thank you. ‘ ‘ If you would have been with me, I would have rather enjoyed more.. ‘

How do you respond to enjoy the weekend?

“Have a nice weekend!”, one says. And we reply with “I wish you the same!”, “Thanks, you too!” or “Thanks, the same for you.” At least we would say: “I wish you a nice weekend as well!”, but we would feel a little bit weird about so much repetition.

What is the reply of have a good day ahead?

If the person is saying, “Have a good day!” as the end of the conversation, it is polite to say, “Thanks, you too!” This shows that you hope they have a good day as well.

What is the response to an amazing day?

“You too.” “Have-a-great-day.” “You too.” “Have a great day.”

Is awesome informal?

The general consensus is that “awesome” in the example may be a bit informal for this situation because it is business. You have to evaluate though how well you know these people. It may be better in a more formal setting to say something like “great.”

How is jargon different from informal?

Jargon words are specific terminologies of some particular professions, whereas Slang words are social words used in social life. 2. Jargon words have solid meaning in the English dictionary; on the other hand, Slang words are local words that may or may not have a specific meaning in the English dictionary.

What are the jargon words?

Definition of Jargon Jargon is a literary term that is defined as the use of specific phrases and words in a particular situation, profession, or trade. These specialized terms are used to convey hidden meanings accepted and understood in that field.

Is Slang a type of jargon?

Although they are sometimes used similarly, jargon and slang are not the same. Often, they both involve an informal use of a term to communicate an idea, so there’s a bit of overlap between the two words. However, slang is simply informal language, whereas jargon is specific to a group of people.

Why is jargon useful?

One of the key elements in communication is where the emphasis is. Jargon allows the writer/speaker to focus on the message, rather than giving equal weight to every part of the message, when the jargon is understood by the recipient. Plain English definitely has its role.