Users questions

What does Dozo mean Japanese?

What does Dozo mean Japanese?

go ahead

What are the examples of EDP?

Examples of EDP equipment include:

  • Desktop, laptop and tablet computers.
  • Smart phones.
  • Servers, hard drives and monitors.
  • Network-connected printers and copiers.
  • 911/dispatch systems.
  • Electronic voting equipment, 800 MHz/ARMER equipment.
  • GPS and GIS systems.
  • Survey equipment.

What are the different types of EDP?

Electronic data processing methods

  • online processing.
  • real time processing.
  • distributed processing.
  • Time sharing.
  • Batch processing.
  • multiprocessing.
  • multitasking.
  • interactive processing.

What is your 10 20 mean?

10-20. Denotes location, as in identifying one’s location (“My 20 is on Main Street and First”), asking the receiver what their current location or immediate destination is (“What’s your 20?”), or inquiring about the location of a third person (“Ok, people, I need a 20 on Little Timmy and fast”).

What happens if you are 5150?

5150 is the number of the section of the Welfare and Institutions Code, which allows a person with a mental challenge to be involuntarily detained for a 72-hour psychiatric hospitalization. A person on a 5150 can be held in the psychiatric hospital against their will for up to 72 hours.

How long does 5150 stay on your record?

There is no overturning a 5150, nor clearing or erasing it. Records are forever. Whether you are 5150 is the question. If you were only held for observation for 72 hour or less and then released, you are not supposed to be classed as 5150.

Do asylums still exist in the US?

“Patients with chronic, severe mental illnesses are still in facilities—only now they are in medical hospitals, nursing homes and, increasingly, jails and prisons, places that are less appropriate and more expensive than long-term psychiatric institutions.” …