Users questions

What does Debbie Downer mean?

What does Debbie Downer mean?

: a negative or pessimistic person : a person who speaks only of the bad or depressing aspects of something and lessens the enthusiasm or pleasure of others OK, now I really don’t want to sound like a Debbie Downer, but 2018 has not been an easy one, my friends.—

Where did Debbie Downer come from?

While a downer has been used to refer to a “depressing person” since at least the 1970s, the name Debbie Downer was popularized by a hit Saturday Night Live sketch starring Rachel Dratch, who played a character named Debbie Downer. This character consistently ruins a group’s fun by sharing unsolicited sad remarks.

What does being a downer mean?

1 : a weak, sick, or crippled animal in shipment that is down and cannot get up —often used attributively a downer cow. 2 : a depressant drug especially : barbiturate. 3 : someone or something depressing, disagreeable, or unsatisfactory.

What is someone who doesn’t like people called?

Misanthropy is the general hatred, dislike, distrust or contempt of the human species, human behaviour or human nature. A misanthrope or misanthropist is someone who holds such views or feelings. The word’s origin is from the Greek words μῖσος (mīsos, “hatred”) and ἄνθρωπος (ānthropos, “man, human”).

How do I stop being a buzzkill?

To not be a buzzkill, you need to get in the habit of not seeking out company for your misery. Try to let others hold onto their hope and happiness (while you work steadily to increase your own) instead of trying to bring them down to your ‘realistic’ level of no-hope.

Is buzzkill a bad word?

Buzzkill: Buzzkill is like a really bad moment-killer. A buzzkill can be nearly anything.

What is a stem person female?

Stem – A person whose gender expression falls somewhere between a stud and a femme. (See also ‘Femme’ and ‘Stud’.) (See also ‘Butch’ and ‘Femme’). Straight – Another term for heterosexual.