Users questions

What does Baytril treat in birds?

What does Baytril treat in birds?

What is enrofloxacin? Enrofloxacin (brand name: Baytril®) is a fluoroquinolone antibiotic used to treat bacterial infections. Its use in dogs to treat certain specific infections and its use in small mammals, birds, and reptiles is ‘off label’ or ‘extra label’.

Can I buy Baytril over the counter?

About Baytril Baytril is a pet medication that treats bacterial infections. Pet medications are prescription and over-the-counter medicines for dogs, cats, and other animals. They treat animal-only conditions and those also found in humans, and come in forms and dosages specifically for pets.

How long do you give Baytril?

The dose should be continued for at least 2-3 days beyond cessation of clinical signs, to a maximum of 30 days. Dogs & Cats: The duration of treatment should be selected based on clinical evidence. Generally, administration of Baytril® Tablets should continue for at least 2-3 days beyond cessation of clinical signs.

How long does Baytril last?

3 to 4 weeks

Do you refrigerate Baytril?

Reconstituted suspension from powder should be kept refrigerated and has a 14 day expiration time. Injectable Baytril should be stored away from direct sunlight. Do not refrigerate the injectable form, freeze or store at or above 40°C (104°F). Precipitation may occur at cold temperature.

How do you administer Baytril?

Administer, either by intramuscular or subcutaneous (behind the ear) injection, a single dose of 7.5 mg/kg of body weight (3.4 mL/100 lb). Administered dose volume should not exceed 5 mL per injection site.

Can Baytril kill a guinea pig?

Baytril is one antibiotic that is considered safe for guinea pigs, but other types of antibiotics can also be safely administered. Some antibiotics that are dangerous when given orally are safe to use when they are injected or applied topically since they won’t come in contact with the digestive system.

How long does Baytril take to work in guinea pigs?

2 or 3 days

How do I get my guinea pig to take Baytril?

Best way to get a piggie to have baytril is to give it undiluted in a syringe as quickly as possible.

How do I give my guinea pig Baytril?

Although it is available as a shot, oral tablet, or suspension liquid given via syringe, Baytril should only be given to guinea pigs intravenously. Your veterinarian should give the first dose and may provide you with instructions for administering subsequent doses.

Can you put Baytril in water?

You cannot have any control over baytril in water…and are likely massively underdosing her. She also may refuse the tainted water and get dehydrated OR bacteria grows in the water. Baytril powder is not tasty so I bet she’s not drinking it.

How do you treat a sick guinea pig at home?

As a general rule most guinea pigs that are unwell would receive critical care every 2-4 hours. If your guinea pig doesn’t like the critical care mix you can try a different flavour or add a small amount of a safe vegetable or fruit flavoured baby food to the mixture.

How much Baytril should I give my guinea pig?

Your vet may have started with a low dose of Baytril, probably around 2.5 mg/kg. Guinea pigs can tolerate up to 10 mg/kg every 12 hours for those hard-to-treat infections. ​The doxycycline dose that works best for guinea pigs is the same that’s often used for rats, 5 mg/kg twice daily.

How do I know if my guinea pig has pneumonia?

Signs of pneumonia include oozing or discharge from the nose, sneezing, and difficulty breathing. In addition, guinea pigs with pneumonia may have conjunctivitis (pink eye), fever, weight loss, depression, or loss of appetite.

What kind of antibiotics can guinea pigs take?

Antibiotic-associated enterotoxemia is prevented by treating guinea pigs with appropriate antibiotics. Trimethoprim-sulfa (30 mg/kg SC, IM, or PO q12h × 7 days), chloramphenicol (50 mg/kg PO q12h × 7 days), and enrofloxacin (10 mg/kg PO q12h) are effective and safe in guinea pigs.

Can guinea pigs have canned pumpkin?

Can Guinea Pigs Eat Canned Pumpkin? It’s not the best choice! It may contain things besides pumpkin itself, including preservatives to keep it from spoiling, which is not the best for your guinea pig.

Can guinea pigs eat raisins?

As raisins are high in sugar and don’t contain much vitamin C, it is not a good idea to give them to your guinea pig. They can affect your pet’s weight gain and cause diabetes and obesity. Yes, you can feed your guinea pigs raisins but only in small quantities.

Can a guinea pig eat cheerios?

Yes, guinea pigs can eat cheerios but only in small quantities. Although cheerios are low in fat and sugar, it does contain some added preservatives that can be harmful to our guinea pigs digestive system if fed in excess.

Can guinea pigs eat cabbage?

Safe fruit and veg for guinea pigs Fresh greens like broccoli, cabbage or spinach are great things to feed and carrots make a satisfying occasional treat. However, not all fruit and veg is safe for your guinea pigs. Don’t feed potatoes, tomato leaves or rhubarb to your pigs.

Do guinea pigs need veg everyday?

Guinea pigs need vegetables for vitamin C, calcium, and other important vitamins and minerals. They need vegetables daily, at least 1 cup, or one 1 and a half cups, or more, if it is a big guinea pig, The vegetables are a crucial aspect of a guinea pigs diet, as well as lots of hay, and guinea pig pellets.