What does Amontillado mean in the cask of Amontillado?

What does Amontillado mean in the cask of Amontillado?

In the end, for Fortunato, Amontillado means imprisonment by his own desires. He’s trapped, and he can’t do anything but die – though, alternatively, death can be considered freedom from desire.

What does Amontillado symbolize?

The Amontillado represents the causes of Fortunato’s demise. The crest shows a heal smashing a serpent’s head as the serpent sinks its fangs into the heel. It is symbolic of what happens to Fortunato. Fortunato has wounded Montresor’s pride in some way.

What kind of person is Montresor?

Montresor is vengeful, obsessive, methodical, deceitful, manipulative, and merciless. Repaying Fortunato for an unnamed “insult” that is more important than the “thousand injuries” he has suffered at his hands becomes more than just an idle fantasy.

What is ironic about Montresor’s statement?

Montresor’s name (in French, “my treasure”)Montresor’s name was ironic because of his treasure was the perfect idea of revenge against Fortunato. Hisrevenge will be death for Fortunato. The carnival settingThe carnival setting is ironic because it is a free season while Montresor will confine Fortunato soon.

What does Montresor’s costume symbolize?

What does the way Montresor dress at carnival symbolize? He is dressed as in all black with a coat, and so he kind of looks like a grim reaper. This directly relates to the story and it symbolizes kind of how Montresor acts with the events of the story because in the end he gives Fortunato a painful death.

How exactly does Montresor kill Fortunato?

In Poe’s classic short story “The Cask of Amontillado,” Montresor explains how he executed his careful plans and murdered his enemy named Fortunato. Montresor murders Fortunato by burying him alive. Fortunato more than likely died of asphyxiation or starvation behind the wall that Montresor erected.

Which do Montresor and Fortunato have in common?

First of all, there are basic features which the two characters Montresor and Fortunato have in common, namely, both of them live in Italy and have a good knowledge about wine, and therefore are passionate wine collectors and of course also wine drinkers, but of course no alcoholics.

Why are Montresor’s words to Fortunato I drink to your long life ironic?

“I said to him–‘My dear Fortunato, you are luckily met.” This is ironic because Fortunato is actually unlucky that he met Montresor at Carnival, and unlucky to follow him into the catacombs where something bad is about to happen (Foreshadowing).

What does you are luckily met mean?

When Montresor runs into Fortunato at the beginning of the story, he says, “My dear Fortunato, you are luckily met.” Montresor actually means that he is happy to see Fortunato because he will profit from this meeting and not Fortunato.

Why does Montresor also have a drink?

Why does Montresor also have a drink? He says that Fortunato should drink to keep warm. He really just wants to keep Fortunato drunk. He drinks some himself probably to stay warm and probably to steel his nerves against the crime he’s about to commit.

What message is the author sending the audience through the imagery of Montresor’s coat of arms?

How does Montresor’s coat of arms symbolize the idea of revenge? The coat of arms is an allusion to the bible where it talks about the savior stepping on a serpent and it biting him. This is symbolic for how Montresor feels superior and even like he is the savior.