What does a couple hundred mean?

What does a couple hundred mean?

generally a couple of [things] = 2 [things] ex) a couple of “days” = 2 “days”, a couple of “months” = 2 “months” so yes, a couple of “hundred dollars” = 2 “hundred dollars” a few, means more than 2 ex) do you have a few dollars you can loan me? (more than 2 dollars) do you have a couple of dollars you can loan me (2 …

Does a few mean 3 or 4?

While many would agree that few means three or more, the dictionary definition is, “not many but more than one.” So, a few cannot be one, but it can be as low as two.

What does a couple of weeks mean?

Most people know that “a couple of weeks” is slang for a time period that is more than one week but too short to be measured in months. The exact meaning of “a couple of weeks” was central to the recent Tennessee Court of Appeals case Simpson v.

What does a couple of months mean?

two months

What is difference between couple and torque?

Torque is produced due to a single force. The turning effect produced is called torque or moment of force. Couple is produced due to two forces that are equal in magnitude but opposite in direction( unlike parallel forces) and do not have the same line of action.eg a double arm spanner or a steering wheel etc.

How do you calculate a couple?

A couple is defined as two parallel forces with the same magnitude but opposite in direction separated by a perpendicular distance d. = r x F (using a vector analysis). Here r is any position vector from the line of action of –F to the line of action of F.

What is meant by twisting couple?

The twisting couple is defined as the couple when the plane of the couple is parallel to the plane of the cross-sectional of the member.

Are moments vectors free?

Since the moment of a couple depends only on the distance between the forces, the moment of a couple is a free vector. It can be moved anywhere on the body and have the same external effect on the body.