What does a 50/50 chance mean?

What does a 50/50 chance mean?

a result is equally likely to happen or not happen: There’s only a fifty-fifty chance that she’ll survive the operation.

What are the odds of 50 50?

50/50 is simply 50/50. If you bet on a coin toss, and have tossed 100 tails in a row, you have a 50% chance next time of tossing a heads. No more, no less.

Does everything have a 50 chance of happening?

Isn’t everything technically a 50/50 chance? No. This often comes from the mistaken idea that if there are two possible outcomes for an event, that each of these outcomes is equally likely. The failure is that in most cases the outcomes are not equally likely.

What are my odds of winning?

Probability Formulas: Odds, are given as (chances for success) : (chances against success) or vice versa. If odds are stated as an A to B chance of winning then the probability of winning is given as PW = A / (A + B) while the probability of losing is given as PL = B / (A + B).

Do Quick Picks win the lottery more often?

Remember, every number has an equal chance of winning. Don’t go for quick pick numbers. Your chance of winning may not be high if the machines pick the number for you. The odds may not be in your favor.

Why God take things away?

The reason God takes anything away from us is because He is going to replace it with something better. When we devote our hearts to God and ask for his protection over our lives, He will hold up His end of the bargain. Anything that is not good for us or not His timing has to go. He never takes away things to hurt us.

Does God forsake anyone?

The religious world’s general perception of God is that God does not forsake anyone. Many people believe in the perseverance of the saints. That is to say, once you are saved, then you can never be lost.

Why does God take away the person you love?

The reasons behind losing a loved one could be that relationship be more complicated than we think. Maybe it’s not that the reason itself is complicated but rather what we are making it that way. Because God has a plan for your life that is great than you are able to see at the moment, it takes trust in Him.

How do you ask God for a miracle?


  1. Let go and trust.
  2. Have faith in God.
  3. This is a personal and unique process.
  4. Know that The Lord will receive your prayer and you will receive what you need.
  5. Believe in that miracle.
  6. Don’t be discouraged if what you ask for doesn’t happen immediately or exactly how you wanted it.

What does the Bible say about keeping faith in hard times?

Psalm 46:1-3 God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble. Psalm 9:9-10 The Lord is a refuge for the oppressed, a stronghold in times of trouble. Psalm 34:10b Those who seek the Lord lack no good thing. Isaiah 26: 3-4 Those of steadfast mind you keep in peace—because they trust in you.