Users questions

What do you mean by Apsara?

What do you mean by Apsara?

Apsara, in Indian religion and mythology, one of the celestial singers and dancers who, together with the gandharvas, or celestial musicians, inhabit the heaven of the god Indra, the lord of the heavens. Originally water nymphs, the apsaras provide sensual pleasure for both gods and men.

What do apsara dancers Symbolise?

These Hindu spirits of cloud and water traditionally represented the paragon of feminine beauty, elegance and refinement. They are heavenly nymphs that dance and entertain, seducing both men and divinities.

Does Apsara really exist?

Apsara sadhana and yakshini sadhanas are real. Apsara siddhi was used by sages. Apsaras can also guide you towards the spiritual path (not many know about it). They can activate chakras and guide through the path of enlightenment.

How can I meet Apsara?


  1. Sit in a quiet room between 9pm to 5am and place 11 red roses in front of you as an offering to the Apsara.
  2. Now take your Jaap Mala and chant the mentioned Mantra for 11 rounds of the same (108 X 11).
  3. Ensure to pronounce every single word in the correct manner.
  4. Repeat the above mentioned process for 11 days.

How many Apsara are there in Angkor Wat?


What is special about Angkor Wat?

Angkor Wat is an enormous Buddhist temple complex located in northern Cambodia. It was originally built in the first half of the 12th century as a Hindu temple. Spread across more than 400 acres, Angkor Wat is said to be the largest religious monument in the world.

What is Khmer dance?

Khmer classical dance derived from Indian court dance, which traces its origins to the apsarases of Hindu mythology, heavenly female nymphs who were born to dance for the gods. Folk dancing is popular in rural Cambodia and is performed spontaneously to a drumbeat.

What are celestial nymphs?

Celestial nymphs (apsaras) are commonly found along the bottom exterior and interior walls of Khmer-period temples in both Cambodia and Thailand. The function of these female figures was to entertain the gods, who were believed to reside in temples while on earth.

What insects live in my pond?

  • Caddisflies. Also called sedge-flies or rail-flies, are small moth-like insects.
  • Great diving beetle. True to its name, this is a large insect.
  • Great pond snail and Rams horn snail.
  • Leech.
  • Mayfly nymph.
  • Water spider.
  • Tally.
  • Caddisfly.

Who is the goddess of the river?
