Users questions

What do whimsical mean?

What do whimsical mean?

1a : resulting from or characterized by whim or caprice especially : lightly fanciful whimsical decorations. b : subject to erratic behavior or unpredictable change.

Is whimsical a positive word?

Whimsical is often a compliment used to describe a person who is carefree and makes decisions on impulse. Note that there are three different definitions for whimsical: “fanciful,” “amusing,” and “erratic.” For the most part, whimsical is a compliment. Whimsical is synonymous with capricious.

What does whimsical mean in art?

Whimsical art is a vibrant and playful style of art that is childlike and carefree. Commonly associated with children’s book illustrations and fairy tale art, this artwork lifts the spirit and makes you happy. Whimsical art is characteristically (but not necessarily) bright, colorful, and fun.

What is another word for whimsical?

What is another word for whimsical?

fanciful fantastic
eccentric mischievous
odd peculiar
playful quaint
queer droll

What’s the opposite of whimsical?

What is the opposite of whimsical?

behaving boring
sensible serious
standard tragic
unfunny usual
reverent respectful

What does quaint mean?


What are the strongest pop rivets?

Also, aluminum rivets with aluminum mandrels are the least strong; aluminum rivets with steel mandrels are stronger; steel rivets with steel mandrels are stronger still; and stainless steel rivets with either steel or stainless steel mandrels are the strongest.

Why are airplanes riveted instead of welded?

One reason that airplanes are manufactured with riveted joints instead of welded joints is because the aluminum materials used in their construction isn’t tolerant of heat. Most commercial aircraft are designed with an aluminum body. Not only is aluminum is inexpensive and readily available; it’s also lightweight.

Are pop rivets watertight?

Standard: The most common and the least expensive, these blind rivets are not watertight and aren’t as strong as other types of fasteners.