Users questions

What do I do if my apartment has thin walls?

What do I do if my apartment has thin walls?

How to Soundproof Thin Apartment Walls for Cheap

  1. Put down carpets or rugs. The Carpet and Rug Institute promotes carpets and rugs as outstanding materials for absorbing noise, particularly when paired with padding that further absorbs sound.
  2. Install drapes.
  3. Put in a bookcase.
  4. Cover the walls.
  5. Install acoustic panels.
  6. Buy a white-noise generator.

How do you make thin walls thicker?

Add a Layer or Two of Drywall One more thing that might make your walls a bit thicker without too much hassle is adding a layer of drywall. If you’d like, you could even make it soundproof drywall, which is made of gypsum, ceramics, and viscoelastics.

How thick are walls between apartments?

In the US following the International Building Code, you would normally have a 1 hr seperation between individual apartments. Floor, cieling and walls. Many walls in smaller multifamily dwellings can be built out of anything but might normally be 1/2″ drywall.

Can you soundproof thin walls?

Cover Your Walls With Absorbent Materials Soundproofing curtains or even thick blankets are an easy solution to soundproof thin walls. Stick with mounting putty to be on the safe side, or use nails if you’re not concerned about wall damage.

How do I soundproof my apartment walls?


  1. Focus On The Weak Points Of Your Apartment Walls.
  2. Search For Possible Holes And Glue Them.
  3. Use Mass-Loaded Vinyl.
  4. Put Some Furniture And Fill Out Space.
  5. Place Foam Mats.
  6. Use Acoustic Foams.
  7. Paint The Walls With Soundproofing Paint.
  8. Get A White Noise Machine If You Need An Immediate Solution.

Can my apartment neighbors hear me?

The short answer is yes! Lower level apartments tend to hear more noise from foot traffic, furniture moving and the like. The biggest complaint with regard to noise from lower level apartments, is the noise neighbors make above them while walking around.

Can hear neighbors TV through wall?

While some noise in shared living spaces is normal, if you can clearly hear your neighbors’ conversations or TV through your walls or ceiling, you have a noise problem. “A lot of times, low-end frequency will be transmitted through the wall, and actually transfer into structural noise.

How come I can hear my neighbors through my wall?

The sound transfer occurs as a result of airborne noise (voices, music, etc). The airborne sound wave strikes the wall and the pressure variations cause the wall to vibrate. This vibrational energy is transferred through the wall and radiated as airborne sound on the other side.

What to do when you can hear your neighbors?

So read up.

  1. Remember, you’re not alone.
  2. Know that it’s natural for you to feel embarrassed.
  3. Give people the benefit of the doubt.
  4. Accept that it’s normal to be turned on when you hear sex noises.
  5. Keep perspective.
  6. Ask them to change their ways.
  7. Change your ways.
  8. Enlist outside intervention.

Can hear neighbors walking upstairs?

Instead of applying absorptive material to ceilings to hear upstairs neighbors walking less – foam panels, spray foam or insulation (where adding absorption will reduce reverberant noise (sound from the footsteps that echoes in the space), but doesn’t actually reduce the noise coming inside) TRY making friends with …

How do I get back at Noisy Neighbors?

Noisy Neighbors Revenge: 12 Ways to Get Back at Loud People

  1. Schedule Your Loudest Chores for When Your Neighbors Are Home.
  2. Practice an Instrument or Put on Some Tunes.
  3. Exercise Your Dog.
  4. Play Hoops in Front of Your House.
  5. Have a Party.
  6. Make a Stink.
  7. Doorbell Ditch.
  8. Put Vaseline on Their Doorknob.

How do I ask my noisy neighbors to be quiet?

You want to get someone to quiet down but not embarrass them or leave them with hard feelings. Here are 5 tips to help guide when dealing with noisy neighbors….Here are 5 tips to help guide when dealing with noisy neighbors.

  1. Gently knock.
  2. Politely talk to your neighbor.
  3. Suggest a solution.
  4. Bear Gifts.
  5. Contact your landlord.

How do you soundproof a room with noisy upstairs Neighbours?

You can also implement these hacks to soundproof your walls as well- for instance, soundproofing your home theater room.

  1. Locate the Source of the Noise and Talk to The Neighbors.
  2. Using Acoustic Form.
  3. Using Drywall.
  4. Using Green Glue.
  5. Installing Acoustic Tiles.
  6. Install Resilient Channels.
  7. Consider Moving Out.

What does quiet hour mean?

Quiet hours are set times, usually during the morning and night, when tenants must be particularly respectful. This policy prohibits unnecessary or excessive noise. Noise is considered unreasonable if it is above a certain decibel level. Most cities and municipalities have a quiet hours policy in effect.

Is a landlord responsible for noisy tenants?

Whilst landlords aren’t actually responsible for the noise their tenants make, it’s always a good idea to try and ‘keep the peace’. Limit noise at inconvenient hours. Look after any pets properly and clean up after them. Avoid leaving dogs barking and disturbing the neighbours.

How quiet do you have to be in an apartment?

Most apartment complexes will have rules regarding curfew and noise. Some require that you keep noise to a minimum after 8pm, while others will ask you to keep quiet after 9 or 10pm.

Can I call the cops on my loud roommate?

You need to be able to talk to your roommates. If they are harassing or physically threatening you, then call the police on that as you would a similar situation if they weren’t roommates.

Can I kick someone out of my house if they are not on the lease?

Keep in mind that—regardless of the roommate’s status on the lease or rental agreement—it is never legal to physically remove or lock out a tenant (or a roommate who might have legal rights similar to a tenant’s) from a rental.