Users questions

What dissolves pipe resin?

What dissolves pipe resin?

Just scrape off the bulk of the resin and then drop it into a Ziploc baggie with 90-100% isopropyl alcohol for a good three-hour soak. You can also use a bit of non-iodized salt as an agitator for a faster cleaning. If you add salt, you may not need to let it soak for long at all.

What are silver screens used for?

A silver screen, also known as a silver lenticular screen, is a type of projection screen that was popular in the early years of the motion picture industry and passed into popular usage as a metonym for the cinema industry.

Is a bowl and a pipe the same thing?

A bowl, when referred to in pipe smoking, is the part of a smoking pipe or bong that is used to hold tobacco, cannabis, or other substances.

Is pipe better than cigarettes?

Water pipes deliver at least as much nicotine and toxins as cigarettes, and put users at similar risk for cancer and other smoking-related diseases. The same advice is true for pipe and cigar smokers as for cigarette smokers: quit.

Can a bowl be square?

A bowl is a round dish or container typically used to prepare and serve food. The interior of a bowl is characteristically shaped like a spherical cap, with the edges and the bottom forming a seamless curve. The exterior of a bowl is most often round but can be of any shape, including rectangular.

What are the small bowls called?


What are bowls with holes called?

A colander (or cullender) is a kitchen utensil used to strain foods such as pasta or to rinse vegetables. The perforated nature of the colander allows liquid to drain through while retaining the solids inside. It is sometimes also called a pasta strainer or kitchen sieve.

What are soup bowls called?

A tureen is a serving dish for foods such as soups or stews, often shaped as a broad, deep, oval vessel with fixed handles and a low domed cover with a knob or handle. Over the centuries, tureens have appeared in many different forms, some round, rectangular, or made into fanciful shapes such as animals or wildfowl.

What is coupe Bowl?

If you haven’t heard of a coupe, you will almost certainly have eaten out of one. Part bowl, part plate, it resembles a UFO that has crash-landed into your kitchen cupboard. The coupe is merely the latest throe in the slow death of the plate.

What is soup ladle?

A ladle is a type of cooking implement used for soup, stew, or other foods. Although designs vary, a typical ladle has a long handle terminating in a deep bowl, frequently with the bowl oriented at an angle to the handle to facilitate lifting liquid out of a pot or other vessel and conveying it to a bowl.

What is the difference soup and stew?

What’s the difference between soup and stew? The main difference between soup and stews is the amount of liquid they contain. While soups contain enough cooking liquid to fill a bowl and allow its ingredients to float, stews contain just a bit cooking liquid to simmer the other ingredients.

Why is it called the wooden spoon?

The Wooden Spoon is metaphorical prize for the team who finishes last in the Six Nations. As legend would have it, the original practice of handing out ‘Wooden Spoons’ comes from Cambridge University where they were awarded to the student with the lowest mark in the mathematics tripos, during the 19th century.

Is it better to cook with wooden spoons?

Benefits. Wooden spoons are soft and gentle on cooking surfaces, meaning they won’t scratch your cast iron skillets and stainless steel pots. They also don’t make that metal scraping on metal sound—the one that tends to offset the otherwise peaceful nature of stirring.

How do you keep a wooden cutting board from splitting?

Simply apply a good amount of mineral oil to the entire surface of the board and let it soak in overnight. This will make the board much more moisture resistant, while keeping the wood lubricated enough to avoid drying out and warping.

Are wood utensils safe?

Wood is made up of biological cells. It has evolved to resist bacterial and fungal growth and therefore rot. So there you have it: Yes, wooden spoons (and chopping boards) are hygienic!

Are wooden chopping boards hygienic?

There isn’t any strong evidence that one type of chopping board is more or less hygienic than another, whether plastic, wooden, glass or even marble. What is important is that the board gets cleaned properly after every use and is replaced if it gets damaged, for example from deep cuts or scoring.

Is a fork a utensil?

In cutlery or kitchenware, a fork (from the Latin furca (“pitchfork”)) is a utensil, now usually made of metal, whose long handle terminates in a head that branches into several narrow and often slightly curved tines with which one can spear foods either to hold them to cut with a knife or to lift them to the mouth.

How do I choose a spatula?

Look for two things: stainless steel material for high heat resistance and a long handle (16-19 inches is perfect). Anything extra like Cuisinart’s folding handle makes the longer tools good for storage. Some varieties include a serrated edge.

What is a pancake flipper called?

In American English, spatula refers broadly to a number of broad, flat utensils. The word commonly refers to a turner or flipper (known in British English as a fish slice), used to lift and flip food items during cooking, such as pancakes and fillets. Bowl and plate scrapers are sometimes called spatulas.

What spatulas do chefs use?

  • The best all-purpose spatula: Victorinox Chef’s Slotted Fish Turner. Our pick.
  • Upgrade all-purpose spatula pick: Williams-Sonoma Flexible Stainless-Steel Slotted Spatula.
  • The best spatula for nonstick cookware: GIR Mini 11-Inch Flip Spatula.
  • Also great for nonstick cookware: OXO Good Grips Silicone Flexible Turner.