What did the Persian civilization invent?

What did the Persian civilization invent?

Persian people invented battery, and later on, each civilization worked on its concept to get better results. Today, we are using batteries in its advanced form in almost every field of our life. We can say that all of the credit of inventing battery goes to the Persian civilization.

What is Persian culture known for?

Prior to the foundation of Islam in Iran, Persians are noted for the development of one of the oldest monotheistic religions, Zoroastrianism. Iranian culture is one of the oldest in the whole world and has influenced cultures like Italy, Macedonia, Greece, Russia, the Arabian Peninsula, and parts of Asia.

How old is Persian culture?

Persia (roughly modern-day Iran) is among the oldest inhabited regions in the world. Archaeological sites in the country have established human habitation dating back 100,000 years to the Paleolithic Age with semi-permanent settlements (most likely for hunting parties) established before 10,000 BCE.

Is everyone in Iran Persian?

Modern Iran is comprised of a large number of different ethnic and tribal groups. People who identify as Persian account for the majority, but there are also large numbers of Azeri, Gilaki and Kurdish people, too. While all are citizens of Iran are Iranians, only some can identify their lineage in Persia.

Do Afghans know Urdu?

Yes with a caveat. Urdu was originally derived from Persian and still shares about 70% of its vocabulary with Persian. Most of the Persian speaking Afghans will have no issues understanding Urdu/Hindi but keep in mind that half of Afghanistan speaks “Pashto” which isn’t mutually intelligible to Persian nor Urdu/Hindi.

Are Pakistani Pashtuns Afghan?

If being Afghan just means being Pashtun then yes they are Afghan. Fortunatky for you, Afghan means a person that is a citizen of Afghanistan.

Why do Pathans have green eyes?

It is mainly because they are descendants of the soldiers of Alexander the Great who had journeyed to India through Afghanistan when he marched with his army from Babylonia. Because of this mixed heritage and ancient Greek lineage, some Afghani people, though not all, have blue/green/grey eyes and blondish hair.

Is Pathan an ethnicity?

Pashtuns are the 26th-largest ethnic group in the world, and the largest segmentary lineage group. There are an estimated 350–400 Pashtun tribes and clans.

Where do the Pashtuns live?


Is Afghanistan a part of Asia?

Afghanistan is most commonly referred to as being a part of the region of Central Asia; a group of countries that occupies the area between China, India, Russia and Iran. It is, however, not a Middle-Eastern country.