Users questions

What crossbows are legal in NY?

What crossbows are legal in NY?

A legal crossbow consists of a bow and string, either compound or recurve, that launches a minimum 14-inch bolt or arrow, not including point, mounted upon a stock with a trigger that holds the string and limbs under tension until released. The trigger unit of such crossbow must have a working safety.

When can you use crossbow in New York?

Currently, crossbows can be used during the last week or two of the regular bow hunting seasons in the Northern and Southern Zones, during the regular firearms season and in the late bow/muzzleloading seasons.

Are Ravin crossbows legal in NY?

New Mission Sub-1 and the Ravin crossbows are ILLEGAL to use hunting in NY.

Can you use a crossbow for self defense?

A crossbow won’t have the same range as a firearm, which is a disadvantage when using it for self-defense and for hunting. You can shoot a much longer range with a firearm than you can with a cross bow. Having said that, statistically, most gunfire happens within the range a crossbow can comfortably handle.

Can a felon own a crossbow in New York?

The fact that federal law allows felons to own crossbows doesn’t mean that this is the case in every state. However, if you’re a convicted felon in New York, you’re disallowed from owning any weapon.

Can a federal felon own a crossbow?

Since a crossbow is not considered a firearm, felons are not restricted by the Gun Control Act from owning one. Therefore, purchasing and owning a crossbow is legal for felons as well as those without a felony conviction.

Can a felon own a BB gun in Nebraska?

Can felons own air rifles such as bb guns? Laws vary from state to state and in some states felons cannot own these types of weapons. According to Nebraska State Statutes, yes they can. The statute covers “prohibited persons” which include more than people who have been convicted of a felony.

How long does a felony stay on your record in Nebraska?

ten years

Is Nebraska a stand your ground state?

A lawful citizen attacked in his residence or car should have a right to stand his ground against a menacing criminal. Nebraska law presently protects such criminals. If a person can use deadly force, he should be immune from civil actions, a means for a violent criminal to once again victimize a victim.