Users questions

What color scrubs do physician assistants wear?

What color scrubs do physician assistants wear?

Light blue or light green scrubs for doctors. Burgundy scrubs for nurses. Dark blue scrubs for medical assistants. Patterned scrubs for administrative staff.

Do you wear scrubs in PA school?

Yup, we have a uniform to wear every day.

What do the different color scrubs mean?

You typically see surgeons in the green or blue scrubs, and nurses that deal with infants in pink. Uniform scrubs used to be white, representing cleanliness. That changed in the early twentieth century because one doctor believed wearing green is easier on a surgeon’s eyes.

Can PA’s have tattoos?

I’ve met PAs/NPs with tattoos on the neck and hands even. I personally don’t have any tattoos, but I had at least three classmates with tattoos on their hands. So visible always. If you can cover them during interviews then it’s a non issue, no one is going to kick you out over arm tattoos when they find out later.

Can Med students have piercings?

Yes, it will cause problems on rotations. As much as I an advocate for openly being pierced and tattooed, the medical field doesn’t typically see it as professional, and much of your patient population may not, either. However – that’s not to say you can’t have it, just that you can’t show it.

Can a doctor have piercings?

yes. there is no rule against doctors having piercings or tattoos.

What hurts more tragus or nose piercing?

All piercings hurt, but the tragus will probably be easier than your nose. Just be aware the thick cartilage of your ears has a “crunch” to it. The weird part is that you can hear it crunching through the cartilage. The nose has many more nerve endings, so it would hurt more and make your eyes water.

Why did I faint after getting my nose pierced?

Doctors call this a vasovagal episode. These are caused by the sight of blood, an injection, standing up for too long, or other triggers that stimulate the vagus nerve. It slows the heart rate and causes blood vessels to dilate. The sudden drop in blood pressure means not enough blood gets to the brain.

Is it normal to faint after a piercing?

If you have no underlying health conditions, fainting during a piercing or tattoo is usually caused by something called Vasovagal or ‘reflex’ Syncope. Fainting is caused by your blood pressure dropping suddenly, which decreases the blood flow to your brain, causing you to faint.

What should you not eat before a piercing?

Eat/Drink: Always eat a meal at least two hours before heading in to get pierced! Do not drink a bunch of caffeine or energy drinks before coming in! It will thin your blood and make it harder to sit still.