What are the letters in the German alphabet?

What are the letters in the German alphabet?

How many letters are in the German alphabet? Much like the English alphabet, German has 26 standard letters. However, the German alphabet contains one additional character and umlauted forms of three vowels….How do you spell letters in German?

  • A = ah.
  • B = bay.
  • C = tsay.
  • D = day.
  • E = ay.
  • F = eff.
  • G = gay.
  • H = hah.

What’s the hardest word to spell?

Top 10 Hardest Words to Spell

  • Misspell. Let the misspelling begin with the misspelled word misspell.
  • Pharaoh. This misspelled word falls into the error category of ‘you spell it like it sounds’.
  • Weird. Fear the confusing power of the’ I before E’!
  • Intelligence.
  • Pronunciation.
  • Handkerchief.
  • logorrhea.
  • Chiaroscurist.

How do you pronounce bewusstseinslage?

Bewusstseinslage [beh-VUST-zines-laggeh]: a state of consciousness or a feeling devoid of sensory components….

What is the name of world record book?

Guinness World Records – originally the Guinness Book of Records – the ultimate authority on record-breaking achievements, started out as an idea for a book of facts to solve arguments in pubs.

Who has the longest nail in the world?

Shridhar Chillal

Who has the longest hair in history?

Xie Qiuping

Which fingernail grows the fastest?

index finger

Who is the smallest person in the world?

Junrey Balawing

What height is tall for a 13 year old?

For American men 20 years old and up, the average age-adjusted height is 69.1 inches (175.4 cm), or just over 5 feet 9 inches tall….Height by age.

Age (years) 50th percentile height for boys (inches and centimeters)
12 58.7 in. (149 cm)
13 61.4 in. (156 cm)
14 64.6 in. (164 cm)
15 66.9 in. (170 cm)

What is obese for a 12 year old?

A BMI of between 18.5 and 24.9 is ideal. A BMI of between 25 and 29.9 is overweight. A BMI over 30 indicates obesity.

What are the letters in the German alphabet?

What are the letters in the German alphabet?

The German alphabet has 26 letters, a ligature (ß) and 3 umlauts Ä, Ö, Ü. We use the German alphabet not only in Germany but also in Austria, Switzerland, Liechtenstein and in Luxembourg. The five letters A, E, I, O and U of the German alphabet are called Vokale (vowels).

What is the letter Z in German?

Das Deutsche Alphabet (The German Alphabet)

Buchstabe/ Letter Aussprache des Buchstabenamens/ Pronunciation of letter name Beispiele/ Examples
Y y uep-si-lohn die Yucca, der Yeti Note: There are hardly any German words that start with Y.
Z z tset die Zeitung (newspaper), der Zigeuner (gypsy)

What is that weird German B?

In German, the ß character is called eszett. It’s used in “Straße,” the word for street, and in the expletive “Scheiße.” It’s often transliterated as “ss,” and strangely enough, it’s never had an official uppercase counterpart. The letter “a” has “A” and “b” has “B,” while ß had… nothing.

Does Z exist in German?

The German consonant “z” is pronounced like a “ts:” a short “t” followed by a hard “s” (as in “snow”). Think of the sound a drop of water makes when it hits a hot surface (unvoiced sound). An example of a German word with “z” is “zirkus” [circus]. The German consonant ß (that’s not a “b”!!)

What is a Ü called?

U-umlaut. A glyph, U with umlaut, appears in the German alphabet. It represents the umlauted form of u, which results in [yː] when long and [ʏ] when short. The letter is collated together with U, or as UE.

Is ß the same as ss?

In German, the ß character is called eszett. It’s used in “Straße,” the word for street, and in the expletive “Scheiße.” It’s often transliterated as “ss,” and strangely enough, it’s never had an official uppercase counterpart. It’s also possible to use the uppercase ẞ. Example: Straße – STRASSE – STRAẞE.

How do I type ß?

For Android it is difficult to give general instructions since every model differs….Hold down the “alt” key on your keyboard and type one of these codes:

  1. ä : Alt + 0228.
  2. ö : Alt + 0246.
  3. ü : Alt + 0252.
  4. ß : Alt + 0223.
  5. Ä : Alt + 0196.
  6. Ö : Alt + 0214.
  7. Ü : Alt + 0220.

What does ß mean in German?

In German orthography, the letter ß, called Eszett (IPA: [ɛsˈtsɛt]) or scharfes S (IPA: [ˌʃaʁfəs ˈʔɛs], lit. “sharp S”), represents the /s/ phoneme in Standard German when following long vowels and diphthongs. The character’s Unicode names in English are sharp s and eszett.

What letter is ß?

The letter ß (also known as sharp S, German: Eszett or scharfes S) is a letter in the German alphabet. It is the only German letter that is not part of the basic Latin alphabet. The letter is pronounced [s] (like the “s” in “see”) and is not used in any other language.

Does Swedish use Ø?

are available on Swedish keyboards with a little effort, but usually not æ and ø (used in Danish and Norwegian), so they are usually substituted by ae or ä, and ö. Also, the collating order for these three letters is different: Æ, Ø, Å.