Users questions

What are the bells on Harleys for?

What are the bells on Harleys for?

The bell is known to most Harley riders as a guardian bell, however some call it an angel bell. Many believe it to be a good luck charm, while others say the bell is meant to ward off evil spirits on the road. They are a special gift within the Harley community, given from one rider to another.

What motorcycle holds its value best?

By brand, according to data compiled by the Kelley Blue Book Official Motorcycle Guide, Harley-Davidson motorcycles retained an average of 84% of their value over a five-year period. BMW was not far behind, at 81%, with Indian, Ducati and Triumph trailing slightly at 77%, 73% and 72%

Is it okay to leave motorcycle in rain?

Yes. Motorcycles are designed to be ridden in the rain, so leaving one out to get wet every once in a while isn’t going to hurt it. It is best to store your motorcycle indoors, but that isn’t always possible. This will help allow and water vapor to move away from the bike while it is under the cover.

Can you power wash your motorcycle?

“If your bike is really dirty, you can use a pressure washer to get the worst of the grime off. Motorcycles are water resistant, not waterproof. Use high pressure water for the wheel rims and under the fenders, but be careful around the engine, where the electronics are

Where should I keep my motorbike?

Find a safe, dry space out of direct sunlight. A shed or garage is just fine. If your only option is to leave your motorbike outside, you could consider renting bike storage for the winter. Even with a good-quality cover, a bike left outside and inactive is at risk of corrosion

How long can Gas sit in motorcycle?

6 months

Should I drain old gas from motorcycle?

Once charged, your battery will better be able to get the bike started on the old fuel. Fuel stabilizer only has a shelf life of a few years, so that old stuff on the shelf isn’t going to help. If your fuel absolutely stinks, you should drain it out and start with fresh fuel