Users questions

What are positive Tu commands?

What are positive Tu commands?

Irregular Affirmative Tú Commands

Verb Affirmative Tú Command Form
ir ve
tener ten
venir ven
hacer haz

What is the tú affirmative command of Beber?


Affirmative Imperative Drink! bebe
Negative Commands Don’t drink! no bebas

How do you conjugate Beber in the past tense?

Beber is conjugated as a regular er verb in the preterite tense….Beber Conjugation: Preterite Tense.

yo bebí
él/ella bebió
nosotros/as bebimos
vosotros/as bebisteis

What tense is Hablado?


-AR / -ER / -IR
conjugation example
Yo he + past participle he hablado
has + past participle has hablado
Él ha + past participle ha hablado

What is hablar in the future tense?

2 Forming the future tense

(yo) hablaré I’ll speak/eat/live
(nosotros/nosotras) hablaremos we’ll speak/eat/live
(vosotros/vosotras) hablaréis you’ll speak/eat/live
(ellos/ellas/ustedes) hablarán they’ll/you’ll speak/eat/live

How do you use future tense?

There are two ways to use the simple future tense: you can use either “will” or “be going to”. Let’s look at some examples to see them in action: “I will send you some information later today.” “I am going to travel more after I finish studying.”