What are Andorian antennae for?

What are Andorian antennae for?

Andorians live underground and get their energy from geothermal activity. Perhaps their Antennae evolved to help them detect heat, to seek out geothermal activity. From there, sexual selection or other social pressures may have modified them to the point that they are now important in portraying non verbal social cues.

How did they get the andorians antenna to move?

The electronic antennae are attached to a plastic skullcap with soft foam on the underside, covered electronics on top and net loops to grip into hair. A cable runs down the back that needs to plug into an unknown device (not included) in order for the antennae to move. The electronics are untested.

Do Andorian antennae grow back?

If cut off, an antenna will grow back after nine months, though the time can be reduced by half with electrical stimulation and brisk cranial massage. The Aenar are a more reclusive, blue-white-skinned subspecies of Andorians.

Why is Andorian Ale illegal?

Romulan Ale is illegal due to a trade embargo. In an episode of DS9 Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges the crew shares a toast of Romulan ale stating that the embargo has been lifted due to a Federation/Romulan alliance during the Dominon War.

Why are there no andorians in TNG?

Rick Berman didn’t want them in the 24th century show, because he thought they looked goofy. Trek lore has it, that originally, Captain Rixx (from TNG’s Conspiracy) was going to be Andorian, but in the last moment they abandoned the antennae and thus the Bolians were born.

Can andorians and humans mate?

Yeah. Humans can mate with bajorans, Vulcans, Andorians, Klingons, and even Cardassians. Though before anyone tries anything silly it’s worth noting that Human women and Klingon males require close medical supervision and assistance if they try to have a baby together.

How are Vulcans and Romulans related?

The Romulans were biological cousins of Vulcans, descended from those who rejected Surak’s reforms during the Time of Awakening. By the 24th century, the Romulan Star Empire was one of the major powers in the galaxy.

Why are the Romulans evil?

Romulans tend to be highly xenophobic, engaging in extended periods of isolationism, and could be perceived as outright racist to other species, believing themselves to be superior. At least some Romulans believed that, one day, the Romulan Empire would rule the entire galaxy and that Humans would be extinct.