Users questions

What age does sweetFrog hire?

What age does sweetFrog hire?

16 years

How much does Sweet Frog cost?

Sweet Frog (also known as sweetFrog Premium Frozen Yogurt) is a frozen yogurt shop chain specializing in frozen yogurts. Like many other frozen yogurt shops, Sweet Frog prices are based on an ounce of weight….Sweet Frog Prices.

Food Size Price
Strawberry 1 oz. $0.45
Sweet Coconut 1 oz. $0.45
Toffee 1 oz. $0.45
White Vanilla 1 oz. $0.45

Is Frog a good luck?

FROGS. The frog is a good-luck symbol for many cultures that depend on rain for rich and bountiful crops. To these folks, a frog can be a sign of prosperous weather to come. Frogs are also considered lucky by a variety of others, who see the amphibian as a symbol of fertility, transformation and safe travel.

What is the most beautiful frog in the world?

Poison dart frogs

Can a frog bite you?

Frog bites can hurt but they are rarely very serious. When a bite happens, you should keep calm and the frog will let go of you. And while there are poisonous and even venomous frog species, no frog delivers or injects poison or venom via a bite.

What is the most aggressive frog?

horned frogs

Is it good to have frogs around your house?

Here is the importance of having a frog around your property: 1. Reduce insect population: The same way having water around can breed a frog; it generates insects. Frogs can serve as natural insect control, and if well cultivated, they may be used as traps for insect pests that destroy plants.

Can frogs come up drain?

Frogs can also enter the drain pipe by falling into the vent pipe to your sewer system. The vent pipe is typically located along the side of your home or on the roof, which makes it within easy reach for tree frogs. In an attempt to get free, the frog may swim or climb up your toilet drain and surface in your toilet.

How do frogs get into bathrooms?

It can enter your sewer line through a crack or hole and swim to the toilet tank. It can fall into your bathroom vent pipe and end up in the toilet. This one is probably the most likely, according to experts. They say that tree frogs like to climb trees and jump or drop onto the roof of a house.