Users questions

Was Ebenezer Scrooge real person?

Was Ebenezer Scrooge real person?

Perhaps Dickens’ best-known character is Ebenezer Scrooge, from A Christmas Carol -who, it turns out, was inspired by a real person. John Elwes (1714-1789) was born John Meggot. He was orphaned at an early age. His father, a wealthy London brewer named Robert Meggot, died when the boy was only four.

What is Marley’s full name in Christmas carol?

Jacob Marley is a fictional character in Charles Dickens’s 1843 novella A Christmas Carol, having been the business partner of the miser Ebenezer Scrooge.

What is a first edition of A Christmas Carol worth?

$18,000 to $45,000

What was the price of a Christmas carol per copy?

When Charles Dickens published A Christmas Carol on December 19, 1843, he wanted to make sure the book was affordable. The first printing of 6,000 copies, each book priced at a mere 5 shillings (about $2 in 1800s currency; about $25 in today’s currency) was sold out by Christmas eve.

Where is the first copy of A Christmas Carol?

Laguna Hills

When was Charles Dickens born?


Are there any original copies of A Christmas Carol?

The full title of Charles Dickens’ most famous work is technically A Christmas Carol in Prose, Being a Ghost-Story of Christmas. This novella was published on December 19, 1843, and the first edition run of 6000 copies were sold out by Christmas Eve of that year.

What is the oldest version of A Christmas Carol?


  • Scrooge, or, Marley’s Ghost (1901), a short British film that is the earliest surviving screen adaptation.
  • A Christmas Carol (1908), with Thomas Ricketts as Scrooge.

Is a Christmas carol a true story?

But is A Christmas Carol a true story? Well TBH, it’s not based on anything in particular. However, the character of Ebenezer Scrooge and the dire straights of the poorest people living in the city of London at the time drew from real people and places.

Why does the ghost of Christmas present have 1800 brothers?

The Ghost of Christmas Present says he has more than 1,800 brothers. Since A Christmas Carol was written in the 1800s, the Ghost is referring to all the Christmases that have gone by since the birth of Christ. The Ghost refers to these past ghosts as his elder brothers. When he says this, Scrooge takes him literally.

What does Bob want to do that makes Mrs Cratchit angry?

It symbolizes how Scrooge feels about humanity. What does Bob want to do that makes Mrs. Cratchit angry? Bob wants to make a toast.

Why does the ghost of Christmas future not talk?

So, why doesn’t the Ghost speak? Perhaps this last Ghost is silent to show Scrooge that he really does have free will to change the future. By not giving Scrooge definite answers to his questions, the future appears changeable if Scrooge changes his present course of action.

What is the Spirit’s personality like?

What is this spirit’s personality like? It is silent. It is spooky.

What symbol does Dickens use to foreshadow Scrooge’s death?

Dickens has the bell “peep,” or look, down at Scrooge while it rings out when the clock strikes each new hour. The bell’s watching Scrooge, and its connection to the passing of time, suggests that Scrooge’s time may be running out, foreshadowing future events.

What does Scrooge’s bed represent?

The bed is also a place that is associated with sleeping and dreaming — this emphasises the dreamlike, unreal quality of the visions shown to Scrooge, making it easier for the reader to suspend their disbelief.