Is toilet mold dangerous?

Is toilet mold dangerous?

Can bathroom mold cause illness? For the most part, mold just looks bad. For some, it can irritate allergies and asthma. “Mold is relatively harmless, but given the right circumstances it can definitely cause some irritation,” Tolliver said.

Why is mold growing in my toilet?

What Causes Toilet Mold? Stagnant water is a great environment for mold. Toilets that are used infrequently and not flushed often are more likely to develop a mold problem than those that are flushed many times a day. If your toilet tank has mold growth, then it is passing those mold spores into your toilet bowl.

What is the black stuff under the rim of my toilet?

The black discoloration that forms often indicates a problem with the water, such as mold spores, bacteria or minerals. Cleaning the toilet regularly and treating the problem will help keep your toilet in good condition.

How do you know if you have mold behind walls?

Mold can be black, green, gray, white, or brown. Mold can even appear orange, pink or purple when it grows behind vinyl wallpaper. Another sign of visible mold is discoloration of walls, even if it has been painted over. If the water damage inside the walls persists, mold will show signs on the surface.

What happens if you accidentally breathe in mold?

Sensitive people who have touched or inhaled mold or mold spores may have allergic reactions such as a runny nose, sneezing, nasal congestion, watery eyes, skin rash and itching (dermatitis). Molds can trigger asthma attacks in people who are allergic to molds, causing wheezing, chest tightness and shortness of breath.

Can mold cause gut problems?

If you have a history of mold exposure, toxic mold may be responsible for your stomach problems. That’s because mycotoxins, the toxic byproduct of some molds, as well as the immune response to mycotoxins can cause damage to your intestinal lining and harm your gut microbiome, leading to leaky gut.