Users questions

Is there a way to undo all retweets?

Is there a way to undo all retweets?

Delete all retweets with Twitter Archive: If you want to delete all retweets that you’ve ever posted on Twitter, then you will need to download your Twitter archive and upload it on Circleboom. From the Circleboom menu, select -> “My Tweets” -> “Delete Old Tweets.”

How do you delete all retweets and likes on twitter?

Log in to your Twitter account and wait for your tweets to load. After that, you can look at the tweets and even individually delete them if you want. If you want to delete tweets in bulk, head to the Settings tab. Configure a schedule for automatic deletion of tweets, likes, and retweets.

Can you Unlike all tweets?

You can easily unlike all your tweets in bulk. Select one or as many tweets as you want to unlike and press the unlike button on the TweetDeleter dashboard. It’s that simple.

How do you mass delete all tweets?

How to delete all tweets on your Twitter account

  1. Go to the Tweet Delete website in a browser on your Mac or PC.
  2. Log in to your Twitter account to connect it.
  3. Set the parameters of the application accordingly.
  4. Check the box confirming you’ve read the terms and conditions, then click “Delete my tweets!”

Does TweetDelete delete retweets?

In these cases your retweet becomes inaccessible, so it’s not possible to delete it, and it remains on the counter forever.

Why are deleted tweets still showing?

A deleted tweet always appears in Unified Moderation after it is pulled into a feed. Social does not do anything to update deleted tweets in the feeds. If a tweet is deleted from Twitter before it gets pulled into a feed, then it will never appear in the feed.

Are tweets deleted forever?

Yes, any tweet that you’ve ever posted can be permanently deleted. You can make sure that the tweet never sees the daylight again and no Twitter user can ever read it. Infact, tweets are only permanently deleted on Twitter and once deleted there’s no way to recover the deleted tweets.

Is deactivating the same as deleting?

The biggest difference between deactivating and deleting a Facebook account is that deactivating your Facebook account gives you the flexibility to return whenever you wish, while deleting your account is a permanent action.

Does deleting Facebook delete all data?

You have 30 days to change your mind Facebook will take up to 90 days to delete all of your account data from its servers. For the first 30 days of that, you can still sign in and cancel your deletion request.

Will deleting Facebook delete everything?

Not so fast. Facebook will allow you to delete your account, but it won’t actually delete anything for at least 30 days (their website says that it may take up to 90 days to permanently delete all of your information). If you log in again within those 30 days, you can select Cancel Deletion, as if nothing happened.

Does deactivating Facebook delete posts?

Deactivating your account does not fully delete it. When you deactivate your account, Facebook saves all of your settings, photos, and information in case you decide to reactivate your account. If you’d like to save photos and posts from your account, click Download Info. Then click Delete Account.

Why does Facebook take 30 days to delete?

Facebook gives you 30 days to think about your decision and cancel the deletion process if you change your mind. After that period expires, your account and all related data to it will disappear forever.

How will I know when my Facebook is deleted?

Log in to the email account you used as your Facebook sign on name. You should see an account deletion confirmation email from Facebook.

Can you delete Facebook without waiting 30 days?

Unfortunately, you can’t delete Facebook account permanently without waiting 30 days. Facebook thinks that it’s a good idea to give some times for the deletion process, it also prevents unusual activity that tries to delete your account.

What happens when you delete your Messenger account?

What Happens When You Deactivate Messenger? Now that you know how to deactivate Facebook Messenger, no one will be able to see your profile in the app, or send you messages in existing conversations. And keep in mind that if you delete your Facebook account completely, you will lose access to Messenger as well.

Can messenger be deleted?

Tap Account settings. (Tap Legal and Policies for Android). Below your Facebook Information, tap Delete Your Account and Information. (Android users: Move straight to step 5 to deactivate). Tap deactivate and enter your password.

How long does messenger keep deleted messages?

Facebook says it keeps “backup copies for a reasonable period of time” after a deletion, and it says that can be as long as three months. It also says it may retain copies of “some material” from deleted accounts, but removes personal identifiers.