Users questions

Is the both grammatically correct?

Is the both grammatically correct?

As a pronoun, ‘both’ indicates that two items are being discussed and is therefore used in place of the phrase “the two.” The use of ‘both’ to discuss three or more entities is grammatically incorrect. Both samples were measured. (i.e., The two samples were measured.)

Whats another word for both?

Synonyms: the two, the two of, the pair of, the pair, and, and also, not only but also …

Can you say both for three things?

Both is the suppletive variant of *all two, which is not grammatical English. Suppletion is the irregular grammatical phenomenon of substituting a different word or root. It’s not too common in English, but it occurs. So the equivalent of both, for n>2 , is All n : all three, all four, all seventy-seven of them.

Can I start a sentence with the word both?

Both are joining words that relate ideas to each other, but conjuncts, unlike conjunctions, can be moved to different parts of a sentence because they are not connecting grammatical parts. …

Is both or are both?

If you’re talking about the word ‘both’, then ‘both’ is okay. Otherwise, ‘both are okay’.

Is few plural or singular?

Few is a quantifier used with plural countable nouns. Without the article “a,” few emphasizes a small number of something. Adding the article removes the emphasis—a few means some. The same rule applies to little, which is used with singular uncountable nouns.

What does both of us mean?

Both of us is used when only two people are in question, especially to emphasize that the two people are in agreement: Both of us think the other is wrong. Both of us stayed out last night.

Have both meaning?

adj. One and the other; relating to or being two in conjunction: Both guests have arrived. conj.

How do you thank more than one person?

It depends on the group of people you are representing. Suppose if they are your friends or well known peers ,you can use:- “thanks everyone”. But if you wanna say formally(for formal use):- “thank you everyone”. Generally I prefer “thank you everyone”.